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Předmět Historická a kulturní geografie pro PGS (MPGS0096)

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ANDERSON, K. (2003): Handbook of Cultural Geography, Sage.ANDERSON, K., DOMOSH, M., PILE, S., THRIFT, N. (eds.) (2003): Handbook of cultural geography. Sage, London.BAKER, A.R.H. (2003): Geography and History. Bridging and Divide. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 279 s.BURDA, T., JANOUŠEK, Z., CHROMÝ, P. (2014): Historické hranice v prostředí GIS: správní regiony v Česku 1920-2012. Historická geografie, 40, 1, s. 41-72.BUTLIN, R.A. (1993): Historical Geography. Through the Gates of Space and Time. Arnold, London, 306 s.CLAVAL, P. (1998): An Introduction to Regional Geography. Blackwell, Oxford, 299 s.CRANG, M. (1998): Cultural Geography. Routledge, London, 215 s.DUNCAN, J.S., JOHNSON, N.C., SCHEIN, R.H. (eds.) (2004): A Companion to Cultural Geography. Blackwell Publishing, Oxford, 529 s.GESLER, W.M., KEARNS, R.A. (2002): Culture/Place/Health. Routledge, London and New York, s. 182.GRAHAM, B., ed. (1997): In Search of Ireland. A Cultural Geography. Routledge, London and New York, 240 s.GRAHAM, B., NASH, C., eds. (2000): Modern Historical Geographies. Pearson Education Ltd., Harlow, 279 s.HAVLÍČEK, T. HUPKOVÁ, M. (2013): Sacred Structures in the Landscape: The Case of Rural Czechia. Scottish Geographical Journal, 129, 2, s. 100-121.HENKEL, R. et al. (eds.) (1985-1996): Geographia Religionum. Interdisziplinäre Schriftreihe zur Religionsgeographie. Bänder 1-10. Berlin.HEŘMANOVÁ, E., CHROMÝ, P. a kol. (2009): Kulturní regiony a geografie kultury. 1. vyd., ASPI, a.s. - Wolters Kluwer, Praha, 348 s.HOWARD, P. (2003): Heritage. Management, Interpretation, Identity. Continuum, London, New York, 278 s.HUNTINGTON, S. (1996): The clash of civilisation and the remaking of the world order. Simon and Schuster, New YorkCHROMÝ, P. (2003): Formování regionální identity: nezbytná součást geografických výzkumů? In: Jančák, V., Chromý, P., Marada, M. (eds): Geografie na cestách poznání. Univerzita Karlova v Praze, Přírodovědecká fakulta, katedra sociální geografie a regionálního rozvoje, Praha, s. 163-178.CHROMÝ, P., KUČEROVÁ, S., KUČERA, Z. (2009): Regional identity, contemporary and historical regions and the issue of relict borders - the case of Czechia. In: Heffner, K. (ed.): Historical Regions Divided By the Borders: Cultural Heritage and Multicultural Cities. Regions and Regionalism, 9, 2. Państwowy Instytut Naukowy - Instytut Śląski w Opolu, Opole, s. 9-19.JOHNSTON, R.J., GREGORY, D., SMITH, D.M. (eds.) (1994): The Dictionary of Human Geography. 3. vyd., Blackwell, Oxford, 724 s.KNIPPENBERG, H., ed. (2005): The changing religious landscape of Europe. Het Spinhuis, Amsterdam, 218 s.KONG, L. (2001): Mapping "new" geographies of religion: politics and poetics in modernity. In: Progress in Human Geography, 25, č. 2, s. 211-233.KREJČÍ, J. (2002): Postižitelné proudy dějin. Sociologické nakladatelství (SLON), Praha, 563 s.KUČERA, Z., CHROMÝ, P. (2012): Depopulation, resettlement and landscape changes in the peripheries of the Czech borderland. In: Paniagua, A., Bryant, R., Kizos, T. (eds): The Political Ecology of Depopulation: Inequality, Landscape, and People. Rolde Foundation, CEDDAR, Zaragoza, s. 191-213.MATLOVIČ, R. (2002): Geografia relígií. Prešov, 375 s.PARK, CH.C. (1994): Sacred worlds. An Introduction to Geography and Religion. London.PEACH, C. (2002): Social geography: new religions and ethnoburbs with cultural geography. In: Progress in Human Geography, 26, č. 2, s. 252-260.RINSCHEDE, G. (1999): Religionsgeographie. In: Das Geographische Seminar. Braunschweig, 272 s.SEMOTANOVÁ, E., CHROMÝ, P. (2012): Development and current trends of the Czech historical geography. Historická geografie/Historical Geography, 38, 1, s. 9-34.SHURMER-SMITH, P. (2002): Doing Cultural Geography. SAGE, London, 248 s.Journal of Historical GeographyJournal of Cultural GeographySocial and Cultural GeographyAnnals of the Association of American Geographers (2006), roč. 96, č. 1, část Forum.


doc. RNDr. Pavel Chromý, Ph.D.