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Předmět Selected chapters from the Physical Geography and Geoecology (MZ300E003)

Na serveru studentino.cz naleznete nejrůznější studijní materiály: zápisky z přednášek nebo cvičení, vzorové testy, seminární práce, domácí úkoly a další z předmětu MZ300E003 - Selected chapters from the Physical Geography and Geoecology, Přírodovědecká fakulta, Univerzita Karlova v Praze (UK).

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Selected Chapters from Physical Geography and GeoecologyLecturers: RNDr. Dušan Romportl, Ph.D.; RNDr. Filip Hartvich, Ph.D.; Doc. RNDr. Vít Vilímek, CSc.; RNDr. Miroslav Šobr, Ph.D.; RNDr. Miloslav Müller, Ph.D.; RNDr. Tomáš Chuman, Ph.D.; Prof. RNDr. Jan Kalvoda, DrSc.; RDNr. Zdeněk Kliment, CSc.; Doc. RNDr. Zdeněk Lipský, CSc.; RNDr. Václav Treml, PhD.2 hours a week, 10 ECTS, grades Requirements: ¾ presence at lectures, seminar written work (15 pages) with presentation at the end of the term (7 minutes) topic must be selected till the 3th lecture, consulted with a lecturer and the written work must be available for the lecturer at least 2 weeks before the final presentationTime and room: Wednesday, 2:50 p.m., Lecture room Z1Lectures:2.3.2011 Geology and Geomorphology of the Czech Republic (F. Hartvich) This lecture covers the elementary description of the geological and geomorphological setting and development of the area of the Czech Republic. The geological development is described both regionally and in the context of the formation of the European continent. Geomorphological regions are characterized with regard to the morphological and morphometrical properties of the relief.9.3.2011 Physical-geographical regionalization of the Czech Republic (D. Romportl)Lecture provides basic information on methods of physical - geographical regionalization and landscape classification. Introduction to data on natural and cultural environmental variables of the Czech Republic, their synthesis and classification into types or regions on different spatial scales.16.3.2011 Geomorphological hazards and risks in the Czech Republic (V. Vilímek)Natural hazards and risks will be described in general way and with regard to specific conditions of Czech Republic. Triggering factors and management of risks will be included as well. Several examples of natural hazards from Czech Republic will be performed.23.3.2011 Selected Problems of the Czech Environment (V. Treml) Lecture will give an overview about recent state of environment in the Czech Republic. Main environmental weaknesses and threats will be stressed. Special emphasis will be put on acidification, changes in nutrient regime and its consequences. Comparison of Czech Republic and EU countries will be made using environmental indices. 30.3.2011 Weather and climate extremes in the Czech Republic and their meteorological causes (M. Müller)The lecture consists of several parts with respect to the main aspects of the climate of the Czech Republic (air temperature, wind, precipitation, snow). After a brief description of "normal conditions", meteorological conditions leading to weather extremes are demonstrated on historic extreme weather events. 6.4.2011 Pedogeography of the Czech Republic (T. Chuman) The basic information on pedogenesis, soil forming factors and geography of soils within the Czech Republic will be presented.13.4.2011 Palaeogeographical Evolution and Geodynamics of Central Europe (J. Kalvoda) Evolution of the physical-geographical environment of Central Europe is explained and documented with an emphasis to integration of orogenetic and climatic processes in the late Cenozoic. Main geodynamic events and processes are characterized and evaluated in the framework of the palaeogeographical history of Central Europe.20.4.2011 Soil erosion: Is it a problem of the Czech Republic? (Z. Kliment) An occurrence and soil erosion hazards in the Czech Republic, main erosion factors and their effects, water erosion processes and their relationships to sediments transport and water pollution, presentation of case studies.27.4.2011 Nature and landscape protection in the Czech Republic (Z. Lipský)System of nature and landscape protection in the Czech Republic. Species protection and territorial protection. Categories of protected areas, national parks, landscape protected areas and significant landscape types under protection4.5.2011 Hydrology of the Czech Republic (M. Šobr) The basic information on hydrologic regime of Czech rivers and natural and anthropogenic lakes will be presented.11.5. 2011 Final seminar Students´ presentations with discussion


References:Jones, A., Montanarella, L. and Jones, R., (2005): Soil atlas of Europe. European Soil Bureau Network. European Commission, Luxembourg, 128 pp.Kozák, J. (2010): Soil atlas of the Czech Republic. Czech University of Life Sciences, Prague, 150 p.Hladný, J., Němec, J (eds.) (2006): Water in Czech Republic, Consult, Prague, 256 pp. ISBN: 80-903482-2-X                                                                                                                                                                             Romportl, D., Chuman, T., Lipský, Z. (2013): Typologie krajiny Česka, Geografie, 1, 118, pp. 16-39. Romportl, D., Chuman, T. (2012): Present approaches to landscape typology, Journal of Landscape Ecology,5, 3, p.24-35.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Chuman, T., Romportl. D. (2010): Multivariate classification analysis of cultural landscapes: An example from the Czech Republic, Landscape and Urban Planning, doi:10.1016/j.landurbplan.2010.08.003                                           Lipský, Z., Romportl, D. (2007):Typůologie krajiny v Česku a zahrnaičí: stav, problematiky, metody a teoretická východiska, 112, 1, s. 62-84.                                                                                                                           DOSTÁL, T., JANEČEK, M., KLIMENT, Z., KRÁSA, J., LANGHAMMER, J., VÁŠKA, J., VRÁNA, K., 2006. Czech Republic. In: Soil Erosion in Europe (J. Boardmann,  J. Poesen  eds.), J.Wiley & sons, New York, pp. 107-116. ISBN 0-470-85910.LANGHAMMER, J., MATOUŠKOVÁ, M., KLIMENT, Z., 2013. Assessment of spatial and temporal changes of ecological status of streams in Czechia: a geographical approach. Geografie, 118(4): 309-333.KLIMENT, Z., KADLEC, J., LANGHAMMER, J., 2008. Evaluation of suspended load changes using AnnAGNPS and SWAT semi-empirical models. Catena, 73(3): 286-299. KLIMENT, Z., 2003. Transport of suspended sediments in various regions of the Czech Republic. Acta Universitatis Carolinae - Geographica, 38(1): 157-166.                                                                                                         Tolasz, R. et al., 2007: Climate atlas of Czechia. Czech Hydrometeorological Institute, Prague. 


Requirements: ¾ presence at lectures, seminar written work (15 pages) with presentation at the end of the term (7 minutes) topic must be selected till the 3th lecture, consulted with a lecturer and the written work must be available for the lecturer at least 2 weeks before the final presentation


RNDr. Dagmar Chalupová, Ph.D.