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Předmět Landscape, Land Use and Modern Society (MZ300E005)

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Top 10 materiálů tohoto předmětu

Materiály tohoto předmětu

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1. Introduction into the course, objectives and contents of the course, compulsory literature, syllabus and timetable, students’ duties.2. Introduction into land use and land cover change research; basic concepts and definitions; theory of land use research.3. Approaches to land use research throughout the World; history and current state of global land use research.4. GIS and remote sensing methods in land use research, data collection and classifications, spatial data sources of land use research.5. Quantitative data and methods in land use research; Database of long-term land use changes in the Czech Republic (1845-2010).6. Historic and current land use changes in the Czech Republic - description, explanation, main "driving forces".7. Ecosystem services and land use changes.8. Socio-economic metabolism and its role in land use changes research.9. Modelling and simulation approaches in land use changes research.10. Greenways planning as an example of application of land use research.11. One-day excursion into a selected model area.12. Presentations of essays, final discussion, exams.


BIČÍK, I., JELEČEK, L., ŠTĚPÁNEK, V. (2001): Land-Use Changes and their Social Driving Forces in Czechia in the 19th and 20th Centuries. Land Use Policy 18, 1, pp. 65-73.BÜRGI, M., HERSPERGER, A.M., SCHNEEBERGER, N. (2004): Driving forces of landscape change - current and new directions. Landscape Ecology 19, 8, pp. 857-868.FERANEC, J., HAZEU, G., CHRISTENSEN, S., JAFFRAIN, G. (2007): Corine land cover change detection in Europe (case studies of the Netherlands and Slovakia). Land Use Policy 24, 1, pp. 234-247.KRAUSMANN, F. et al. (2003): Land-use change and socio-economic metabolism in Austria - Part I.: driving forces of land-use change 1950-1995. Land Use Policy 20, 1, pp. 1-20.LAMBIN, E.F., GEIST, H. (2007): Causes of land-use and land-cover change. In: Encyclopaedia of Earth, www.eoearth.org, http://www.eoearth.org/article/Causes_of_land-use_and_land-cover_change (will be available in the SIS).LOVELL, S.T. et al. (2010): Integrating agroecology and landscape multifunctionality in Vermont: An evolving framework to evaluate the design of agroecosystems. Agricultural Systems 103, 5, pp. 327-341.MATHER, A.S. (2002): The reversal of land-use trends: the beginning of the reforestation of Europe. In: Bičík, I. et al. (eds): Land Use/Land Cover Changes in the Period of Globalization. Faculty of Science, Charles University in Prague, pp. 23-30 (will be available in the SIS).PETIT, C.C., LAMBIN, E.F. (2002): Impact of data integration technique on historical land-use/land-cover change: Comparing historical maps with remote sensing data in the Belgian Ardennes. Landscape Ecology 17, 2, pp. 117-132.RIBEIRO, L., BARAO, T. (2006): Greenways for recreation and maintenance of landscape quality: five case studies in Portugal. Landscape and Urban Planning 76, 1, pp. 79-97.VELDKAMP, A., VERBURG, P. H., KOK, K., DE KONING, G. H. J., PRIESS, J., BERGSMA, A. R. (2001): The need for scale sensitive approaches in spatially explicit land use change modelling. Environmental Modelling and Assessment, 6, pp. 111-121.


Students’ duties:Do not miss more than one lectureRead the compulsory literature in advance, be active during the lectures and participate in the discussionsWrite an essay (ca 10 pages long) and present it (ca 15 minutes)Pass an oral exam covering the compulsory literature


Mgr. Jan Kabrda, Ph.D.