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Předmět Holocaust: Genocide and Contemp. Society (JUD / HG)

Na serveru studentino.cz naleznete nejrůznější studijní materiály: zápisky z přednášek nebo cvičení, vzorové testy, seminární práce, domácí úkoly a další z předmětu JUD / HG - Holocaust: Genocide and Contemp. Society, Filozofická fakulta, Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci (UP).

Top 10 materiálů tohoto předmětu

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Holocaust, Genocide and Contemporary Society - what happened, with all its moral implications. What occurred and why.How this understanding and analysis will somehow help us all to prevent a reoccurrence of such tragedy in the future. To explore research relating to different approaches to human rights situation and how to apply this supporting individuals, families and communities within political social economic and environmental context. How many times has the whole world said ? Never let it happen again? and yet it happens, over and over again. Why? And where does it begin Bystanders- watching passively is also a kind of participation. Genocide - Mass murder of national, ethnic, and tribal groups.Why has the international community failed to keep genocide from happening?All learning materials will be posted electronically should this be possible, Handouts, Reading lists Background report, Video and DVD, Computer ? Youtube and other online resources)

Získané způsobilosti

Develop and understanding of Holocaust and genocide in various situationDemonstrate an ability to critically discuss and share this knowledgeReflect on an appreciation of practical and moral dilemma of Holocaust and genocideCritically disseminate ideas of applying this evidence baseStudents aware of the consequences of societal breakdown Students examine the complexity of the issues underpinning Holocaust and can relate the findings to recent genocide and other human disastersStudents able to create and build affective arguments around race and ethnic discrimination


Rees, Laurence. (2005). Auschwitz: The Nazis and the final solution. Shirer, William L. (1961). Berlin Diary. Janusz Korczak. (2003). Ghetto Diary. Yale University Press. Barnett, Ruth. (2010). Person of No Nationality. Primo Levi. (1996). Surviving in Auschwitz. Gilbert, M. The holocaust: the Jewish tragedy. [S.l.]: Fontana/Collins. Filipovic, Zlata. (1994). Zlata´s Diary.


Develop and understanding of the Holocaust and Genocide in various situation. Demonstrate an application of the evidence base on Holocaust and how this is refelcted in contemporary society. Demonstrate an ability to discuss and share this knowledge. Reflect on an appreciation of practical and moral dilemmas faced by many Possible Attend events, Meet with survivors of the Holocaust and other genocides, Listening/notes, Q&A, Discussion and feedback, Critical appraisal , Personal involvement


James Milne