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Předmět The Representation of the Holocaust (JUD / RH)

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Block seminarterms: first meeting: 10.10. at 13:15-14:45 in Trida Svobody 26, room 2.24, afterwards 2 blocks: 12 - 13.10. and 2-4.11.Anita Shapira and many other Israeli historians claimed that in the first decades of Israel?s existence, the memory of the Holocaust was repressed and the survivors? fate stigmatized for the sake of a new Israeli identity. The identity of the manly and belligerent ?new Hebrew? was constructed as the explicit opposite of the weak and abused ?Diaspora Jew?, epitomized in Jewish Holocaust victims. As a consequence, the memories of Holocaust survivors were displaced and stigmatized. An intriguing by-product of that process was the so-called ?Stalag-fiction?, pornographic literature in the disguise of survivors? memoirs that stimulated the fantasy of adolescent Israeli boys (especially second generation of Holocaust survivors).This displacement gradually ceased after the Eichmann trial (1961), when survivors could, for the first time, make their voice heard in public. From the 1970s onwards, the Zionist ideals were critically reviewed and Israel?s abuse of survivors was harshly criticized. Finally, the second and third generation raised the question of its meaning in and for Israeli identity anew.This course tracks the ambiguity of Israeli society regarding the Holocaust and Holocaust survivors in their midst through six decades and discusses its many facets, based on selected movies.Filmography:- Ari Libsker, Stalags (2008)- Yosef Milo, He Walked Through the Fields (1967)- Ilan Moshenson, The Wooden Gun (1979)- Eli Cohen, Aviya?s Summer (1989); Under the Domim Tree (1994)- Avi Nesher, The Matchmaker (2010)- Asher Tlalim, Don?t Touch My Holocaust (1994); Andres Veiel, Balagan (1994)

Získané způsobilosti

Thorough understanding of the Holocaust and Israeli society; analysis of films


1) Performance in class (50%)2) Short paper (cc.5 pages) on a specific aspect discussed (50%)


Mgr. Louise Hecht, Ph.D.