Předmět Americká regionální a etnická literatura (KAA / 91ARE)
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Top 10 materiálů tohoto předmětu
Materiály tohoto předmětu
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Mark Twain ve filmu: Mark Twain in the Movies:Adaptations of A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur?s CourtM. Thomas IngeMark Twain?s works, like Mark Twain himself, have been favorite sources of adaptation in American popular culture?in film, television, radio, and comic books. Except for the Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn novels, the most frequent work to be adapted to the film medium and television has been A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur?s Court.Professor Inge will survey several film versions of Hank Morgan as portrayed by Will Rogers (1931), Bing Crosby (1949), Thomas Mitchell (1952), Bugs Bunny (1977), Paul Rudd (1978), Dennis Duggan (1979), and even a black child actress, Keshia Knight Pulliam (1989). He will discuss why this particular novel has attracted so many film producers, how Hank Morgan has been interpreted through six decades, and what this tells us about the continuing influence and relevance of the Yankee from Connecticut.Films to be viewed:A Connecticut Yankee. Perf. Will Rogers, Maureen O?Sullivan. Fox Film Corporation, 1931. 95 min.A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur?s Court. Perf. Bing Crosby, Rhonda Fleming. Paramount Pictures, 1949. 108 min.Bugs Bunny in King Arthur?s Court. Perf. Chuck Jones, Mel Blanc. Warner Bros. Television, 1977. 25 min.A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur?s Court. Perf. Keshia Knight Pulliam, Michael Gross. Family Home Entertainment Theatre, 1989.
Získané způsobilosti
Studenti si prohloubí schopnost aplikovat různé historické i současné metody literární analýzy na konkrétní texty.
M. Thomas Inge. Connectitut Yankee in King Arthur s Court, by Mark Twain. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1997. ISBN 978-0-19-954058-7.
Podmínkou udělení zápočtu je aktivní účast na blokovém semináři, který se uskuteční ve dnech 7.-11. dubna 2014, vždy 13:15-14:45 a 15:00-16:30, a vypracování pětistránkové eseje (podrobnosti uvede prof. Inge).
prof. PhDr. Marcel Arbeit, Dr.