Předmět American Literature after 1945 (KAA / AML3)
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Top 10 materiálů tohoto předmětu
Materiály tohoto předmětu
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Další informace
Studenti si prohloubí schopnost aplikovat různé historické i současné metody literární analýzy na konkrétní texty.Program kursu (a zároveň otázky ke zkoušce z tohoto kursu):1. African American Literature from the 1940s to the 1960sAuthors: Richard Wright, Ralph Ellison, James BaldwinReading:Richard Wright, Black Boy2. Black Female Writers, Womanism as the African American Brand of FeminismAuthors: Toni Morrison, Alice Walker, Gloria Naylor, Maya Angelou, Paule Marshall, Toni Cade BambaraReading:Toni Morrison, The Bluest Eye3. American Drama after WW II to the 1970s: Realistic, Model, AbsurdAuthors: Arthur Miller, Tennessee Williams, Edward Albee, Arthur Kopit, LeRoi Jones (Amiri Baraka), Lorraine HansberryReading:Tennessee Williams, A Streetcar Named DesireEdward Albee: Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf4. Modern American War Fiction: WW II, Korea, VietnamAuthors: Norman Mailer, John Hersey, James Jones, Joseph Heller, Kurt Vonnegut, Jr., Tim O'Brien. Michael HerrReading:Joseph Heller, Catch-225. Short Story Writers and Novelists Publishing in The New Yorker Magazine, Minimalism in American LiteratureAuthors: John Updike, John Cheever, Donald Barthelme, Joyce Carol Oates, J. D. Salinger, Raymond CarverReading:John Updike, "A & P",John Cheever, "The Swimmer", "The Enormous Radio"6. Growing-up Novel as One of Favorite Genres in American LiteratureAuthors: J. D. Salinger, Carson McCullers, Truman Capote, Toni Morrison, William Faulkner, Fred ChappellFred Chappell: I Am One of You Forever (stories "The Storytellers", "The Beard", "Helen")(pokračuje)
Získané způsobilosti
7. Jewish American Writers and the Holocaust in American LiteratureAuthors: Isaac Bashevis Singer, Bernard Malamud, Saul Bellow, Philip RothReading: Bernard Malamud, "Idiots First", "The Jewbird"Isaac Bashevis Singer, "Gimpel the Fool"8. William Faulkner after WW II and Southern Literature after the Southern Renaissance.Authors: William Faulkner, William Styron, Flannery O'Connor, Eudora Welty, Robert Penn Warren, Walker Percy, Cormac McCarthy (his Kentucky period)Reading:Flannery O'Connor, "A Good Man Is Hard to Find"Eudora Welty, The Optimist's Daughter9. Cultural Pluralism in American Literature: Native Americans and Chinese Americans.Authors: Leslie Marmon Silko, Louise Erdrich, James Welch, Maxine Hong Kingston, Amy TanReading: Maxine Hong Kingston, The Woman Warrior: Memoir of a Girlhood Among Ghosts10. The Beats in American Poetry and Prose and Their FollowersAuthors: Jack Kerouac, Allen Ginsberg, Gregory Corso, Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Gary Snyder, Ted Berrigan, Diane di Prima, Nikki Giovanni, Ken Kesey, Charles BukowskiReading: Ted Berrigan, Tambourine Life11. Personalization in American Poetry: Projectivism, Confessional Poetry, Deep ImageAuthors: Robert Lowell, Sylvia Plath, Anne Sexton, Theodore Roethke, Charles Olson, Robert Creeley, James WrightReading: Sylvia Plath, "The Applicant", "Lady Lazarus", "Daddy", "Ariel", "Morning Song", "Words"Anne Sexton, "Sylvia's Death" 12. Literary Experiment in American LiteratureAuthors: John Barth, Thomas Pynchon, Ishmael Reed, Vladimir Nabokov, Susan Sontag, Robert CooverReading: Robert Coover: "Charlie in the House of Rue"
Richard Gray. A History of American Literature. London, 2004. ISBN 0-631-22135-2.Josef Jařab. Poetry and Poets of Four Centuries. Praha, 1989. Greil Marcus and Werner Sollors. A New Literary History of America. Cambridge, 2009. ISBN 0-674-03594-1.Gerald M. Berkowitz. American Drama of the Twentieth Century. London, 1992. ISBN 0582016010.Tony Hilfer. American Fiction Since 1940. London, 1992. ISBN 0582493501.Richard Ruland, a Malcolm Bradbury. Od puritanismu k postmodernismu. Praha, 1997. ISBN 80-204-0586-0.
Podmínkou udělení zápočtu je aktivní účast v seminářích a vypracování pětistránkové srovnávací eseje (jedno dílo ze semináře, druhé podle výběru studenta). Esej ohodnocený jako RW, F nebo F- je možné přepisovat pouze dvakrát; při třetím neúspěchu musí student kurs opakovat. U zkoušky se prověřuje znalost literární historie, literární teorie a textů ze semináře.Seznam četby do semináře pro jednotlivé týdny (identický s programem semináře i s literaturou požadovanou ke zkoušce, ale tituly jsou v odlišném pořadí):1. Tennessee Williams: A Streetcar Named Desire 2. Edward Albee: Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?3. Fred Chappell: "The Storytellers"4. Richard Wright: Black Boy5. Flannery O'Connor: "A Good Man Is Hard to Find"6. Sylvia Plath: "The Applicant", "Lady Lazarus", "Ariel", "Daddy" Anne Sexton: "Sylvia's Death" 7. Bernard Malamud: "Idiots First", "The Jewbird"Isaac Bashevis Singer: "Gimpel the Fool"8. Toni Morrison: The Bluest Eye9. Ted Berrigan: "Tambourine Life"10. Eudora Welty: The Optimist's Daughter11. Maxine Hong Kingston: The Woman Warrior12. Robert Coover: "Charlie in the House of Rue"John Updike: "A & P"John Cheever: "The Swimmer", "The Enormous Radio"13. Joseph Heller: Catch-22
prof. PhDr. Marcel Arbeit, Dr.