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Předmět Grammar in Use (KAA / APGR)

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Kurz se zabývá vybranými problémy anglické gramatiky s cílem procvičit jejich správné užívání. Studenti využívají v hodině korpusy anglického jazyka a jiné databáze.Témata:1: Introduction: How to use corpora and other databases2: Past tenses IPresentation: Articles with proper nouns3: Past tenses IIPresentation: Punctuation ? how to read punctuation marks, commas in sentence complexes (compound and complex sentences, adverbial clauses, relative clauses), commas and connectors4: Non-past tensesPresentation: Dependent clauses: conditional clauses, mixed conditionals; other types of DC (time, concession, etc.)5: Revision: English system of tensesPresentation: The category of countability: nouns which are always uncountable (news, information, etc.), nouns both countable and uncountable (chocolate, tea, glass, etc.); partitive constructions (a piece of news)6: Modal verbs IPresentation: Number and agreement ? singularia and pluralia tantum (mumps, cattle, police, etc.), notional concord (singular subjects with plural verbs and vice versa ? audience, public, team, etc.)7: Modal verbs IIPresentation: Pronouns, determiners and quantifiers ? they vs. he or she (Everybody should mind their own business), reflexivity and reciprocity in Cze and En (smát se, umýt se, etc.; each other and one another); some and any, each and every, all and whole, both, half, few, little, many etc.8: Reported speech IPresentation: Numerals ? how to read and write dates (in BrE and AmE); mathematical operations; how to give weight/price/temperature etc.; ?nula? in English, numerals in premodifiers (a two-year-old child x ten minutes? walk)9: Reported speech IIPresentation: Word order in English I: Indirect questions; two objects (sequence of objects: give sb sth vs. give sth to sb; obligatory prepositional object: explain sth to sb etc., prepositions to and for, etc.)10: Infinitives and ?ing formsPresentation: Word order in English II: Position of adverbials, sequence of adjectives etc.

Získané způsobilosti

Studenti si na základě procvičení a zpracování prezentací upevní znalost anglické gramatiky.


Quirk, Randolph. A Student s Grammar of the English language.


docházka, aktivní účast, domáci příprava, ústní prezentace, písemný test


Mgr. Markéta Janebová, Ph.D.