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Předmět BA Thesis (KAA / BCDP)

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Public, scheduled ahead. 3 member committee: supervisor + opponent + chairmanThe time of each defense is scheduled for 30 minutes.1 Introduction 1 minute2 Presentation 10 minutes3 Reviews(a) Opponent 5 minutes(b) Supervisor 5 minutes4 Question time(a) opponent + supervisor 4 minutes(b) committee + public 4 minutesDetails of the procedure:1) Supervisor´s Introduction (supervisor)The supervisors introduce the candidate and the topic.2) Presentation (candidate)The candidates present (orally - NO reading!) the thesis.They can use data-projector presentation and/or printed handouts. If they use any technical devices, they come before the defense period and test their control of the technical support available. During the presentation the candidates state/ define clearly the research topic, explain methodology and demonstrate the results of their study. If useful, they can integrate also the questions/ problems mentioned in the supervisor´s review.3) (a) Opponent´s Review + questions + answersThe opponents summarize their review - pointing out positives and negatives. They ask some explicit questions, which the candidate can be expected to answer.The candidate answers the questions.(b) Supervisor´s Review + questions + answersThe supervisors summarize their review - pointing out positives and negatives. They ask some explicit questions, which the candidate can be expected to answer. They can also refer to the level/ quality of co-operation/ interaction with the candidate. The candidate answers the questions.4) Question timeThe candidate answers questions of (in the given order)(a) the opponent / the supervisor, (c) other members of the committee / audience.


Bakalářská práce obsahuje koherentní zpracování dané problematiky prokazující schopnost samostatné práce a vlastního hodnocení získané databáze.10 MINUTOVÁ PREZENTACE PŘI OBHAJOBĚ JE ÚSTNÍ (TEXT SE NEČTE!) A DOPROVÁZENÁ POKUD MOŽNO PREZENTACÍ VYUŽÍVAJÍCÍ DATA-PROJEKTOR (PŘÍPADNĚ HANDOUTY) K UKÁZKÁM DAT A SHRNUJÍCÍCH TABULEK, GRAFŮ, OBRÁZKŮ APOD.


doc. PhDr. Ludmila Veselovská, Ph.D.