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Předmět Final Master's Degree Exam in Language (KAA / SAJM1)

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===================================================================================================Group A: English Syntax (English Grammar, SNT2)1. Theory of a language as a SYSTEM. Typology of languages. Basic units on distinct levels of the language system? Concentrate on morpho-syntax - morphemes, categories-words (compounds).2. CATEGORIES - Taxonomy and characteristics of English parts of speech and their projections (N-NP, Adj/Adv-AP, V-VP, P-PP). Consider in detail the categorial properties (categorial features). A uniform phrasal projection of lexical categories and its category specific realization of NP, AP, VP.3. SYNTAGMAS - Taxonomy and examples of English syntagmatic relations: the nature of the sentence members. Discuss in detail those which are related to N and to V (subjects/objects, complements/ adjuncts. Explain the specificity of subject/object complements4. NEGATION. Classification of negation based on their scope. Comparing Czech and English negation - NEG concord, NEG transportation, NPI, partially negative adverbs.5. CLAUSE- English sentence patterns according to their form and function. Discuss and illustrate the clausal constituent order in the field preceding the Verb (classification based on modality) and after the V : classification based on valency (subcategorization: semantic+categorial)6. Complex SENTENCE analysis : the nature and kinds of subordinate clauses. More about nominal content clauses (consider expletives), adverbial, conditional and relative clauses.7. FSP - Sentence dynamism and its realization in English (compared with your native tongue). Define the functions of constituent order and contrast Czech with English. Consider also theory of markedness.8. Specifics of English INFINITIVE, their classification, characteristics and functions Discuss the distinction between Rising and Subject Control and between ECM and Object Control infinitives.9. Specifics of English -ING FORMS, their classification, characteristics and functions. Compare a typical NP/DP (including the kinds of derived nominals) with VP/TP. Demonstrate the specificity of English Gerunds.=============================================================================================Topics related to the course HANG : Historical development of English Language1. Stages in the development of English and the historical milestones that triggered them. Development of the English vocabulary, "borrowing" into English across times.2. I-umlaut and Germanic. I-imlaut and the source of ir/regularities in the paradigms of PDE word categories.3. Reasons for the rift between spelling and sound in PDE. The 'great vowel shift'. Vowel length as a phonemic feature at the turn of ME and EModE in comparison with PDE.4. Spelling and pronunciation of PDE vowels in historical perspective. Differences between GA and RP in the pronunciation of vowels seen in historical perspective5. Spelling and pronunciation of PDE consonants in historical perspective. Differences between GA and RP.6. PDE categories of nouns in historical perspective. Word order in a diachronic perspective.7. PDE verbal categories in historical perspective. Modal verbs: present status and diachronic sources. NICE properties.8. PDE pronouns and their diachronic sources.9. PDE adjectives and adverbs in historical perspective. The diachrony and synchrony of the -ly suffix.

Získané způsobilosti

====================================================================================================Group B: FUNS : Funkční styly v angličtině 1. Stylistics: main concepts and definitions. The scope of stylistic study. Definitions of style. Style as a notional term. Style as a linguistic variation. Similarities and differences in Czech and Anglo-Saxon theories of style. Stylistics and other linguistic disciplines.2. Stylistics and style: a historical perspective Ancient times: rhetoric, poetics and dialectics. Situation in the Middle Ages. The New Age: The French classical theory of Styles (N. Noileau-Despréaux). Linguistic schools before Ferdinand de Saussure: French School of Charles Bally, formalism, structuralism, the Prague Linguistic Circle. Ferdinand de Saussure (dichotomy langue and parole). British stylistics (Halliday, Kress, Fowler). American stylistics.3. Theory of verbal communication. Theory of verbal communication, communicative functions of language (K. Bühler, J. Mukařovský, B Malinowski, R. Jakobson), Halliday´s communicative metafunctions and contextual factors.4. Functional styles of the English language: Model of a communication channel. Factors determining the functions of language (R. Jakobson). Classification of styles in Czech and Slovak linguistics (e.g. B. Havránek, J. Mistřík, F. Miko) and their distinctive features.5. Publicistic style and journalistic style. The language of media. Administrative style. Characteristic linguistic features. Written and spoken varieties. Headlines. 6. Scientific style. Popular-scientific style. Legal style. Characteristic linguistic features. 7. Genre analysis. The concept of genre. Genre knowledge. Genre mixing. Genre embedding. Text-external and text-internal aspects of language use. The notion of interdiscursivity in genre analysis.===================================================================================================Group B: SEM1: Lexikální sémantika 1. English lexicon and basic units in its description: Lexeme, lexical unit/item, word, word forms. Syntagmatic relations in the lexicon: the open-choice principle and the idiom principle.2. Types of lexical meaning: descriptive and non-descriptive. Linguistic labels in a dictionary. Semantic prosody.3. Classical approach to categories: componential analysis of lexical meaning and its representatives. Evidence for semantic features, drawbacks of the approach. Syntagmatic sense relations.4. Frame semantics, its origins in Case grammar and relation to syntax (valence).5. Prototype theory. Categorization of colour. Basic level categories. Categories with the structure of Family resemblance. 6. Extensions of meaning. Traditional view of metaphor and metonymy versus the conceptual metaphor theory. Metonymy.7. Contextual variability of word meaning. Ambiguity and sense disambiguation. Boundaries between senses of a polysemic expression. Polysemy and homonymy.8. Paradigmatic sense relation of inclusion, identity and opposition.9. Lexical and grammatical meaning.===================================================================================================Group B: VYTX: Výstavba textu 1. Text level of language representation and its delimitation within the system of language; basic notions and terminological apparatus. 2. Text and discourse. Written and spoken language. 3. Parameters of textness (textuality): coherence, cohesion, intentionality, acceptability, situationality, intertextuality and informativity. 4. Sentence types and discourse functions. Illocutionary force. Direct and indirect speech acts. 5. Context. Types of context. Context and inference. 6. Anaphora and deixis. 7. Information structure of the text and means of its modification (constructions for highlighting and other means of foregrounding or backgrounding text segments).


Níže uvedené okruhy (topics) jsou platné pro SZZk od červnu 2014 a jsou určeny studentům, kteří zahájili studium na KAA po září 2012. Aktualizace a změny níže uvedených témat jsou možné nejpozději 6 měsíců před termínem zkoušky.Magisterská státní závěrečná zkouška pokrývá disciplíny ze DVOU JAZYKOVĚDNÝCH OBLASTÍ (skupiny A a B)a otázky u státní závěrečné zkoušky musí zahrnovat disciplíny z obou skupin. skupina A (3 disciplíny pro průběžnou zkoušku Lingvistická analýza LIA1+2)1. SNT2 Anglická syntax (2) 2. HANG Historický vývoj angličtiny 3. AF10 Výslovnostní varianty angličtiny skupina B (3 disciplíny pro průběžnou zkoušku Analýza textu ANT1+2)1. FUNS Funkční styly v angličtině2. SEM1 Lexikální sémantika3. VYTX Výstavba textuV KAŽDÉ Z 6 DISCIPLÍN JE VYPSÁNO 7-9 TEMATICKÝCH OKRUHŮ, UVEDENÝCH V IS STAG. Z KAŽDÉHO Z TĚCHTO OKRUHŮ BUDE PRO ZKOUŠKU VYPRACOVÁNO 3-5 KONKRETIZOVANÝCH OTÁZEK A TYTO DOPŘEDU OZNAMOVÁNY BÝT NEMUSEJÍ A ZPRAVIDLA ANI NEBUDOU - PROTOŽE JSOU PRŮBĚŽNĚ AKTUALIZOVÁNY. SOUČÁSTÍ KAŽDÉ KONKRETIZOVANÉ OTÁZKY MŮŽE BÝT I TEXT, NA KTERÉM KANDIDÁTI PROKAZUJÍ ZNALOST TERMINOLOGIE A APLIKACE TEORETICKÝCH ZNALOSTÍ SPOJENÝCH S DISCIPLÍNOU.Základní a doplňková literatura k jednotlivých disciplínám je součástí popisu příslušného kurzu v IS STAG.SAJM1 - Jednooboroví studenti Anglické filologie se v každé skupině připravují na dvě disciplíny podle vlastní volby, tj. celkem se připravují na témata ze 4 disciplín. U zkoušky si z každé skupiny vytáhnou 1 otázku, tj. celkem odpovídají na 2 otázky, jednu ze skupiny A a jednu ze skupiny B. Doba zkoušení je 35-40 minut. (Plus příprava 35-40 minut)================================================================================Group A: AF10 : Výslovnostní varianty angličtiny 1. Linguistic and extra-linguistic sources of variation in the pronunciation of English: formal and casual speech style, attention to form, effects of speech tempo, discourse function, prosodic position, phonological identity.2. Differentiating accents of a language: phonemes, their lexical distribution, and their phonetic realization. Prosodic differences between accents.3. Standard Southern British English (Received Pronunciation): transcription of phonemes, allophones, and connected speech phenomena. Variation within standard British pronunciation.4. Standard American English pronunciation: transcription of phonemes and allophones. Differences between standard British and standard American pronunciation. Pronunciation in the Northern cities. Pronunciation in southern USA.5. London English pronunciation: transcription of phonemes and allophones. Differences from the standard pronunciation SSBE / RP.6. Scottish English pronunciation: transcription of phonemes and allophones. Differences from the standard pronunciation SSBE / RP.7. Northern English pronunciation: transcription of phonemes and allophones. Differences from the standard pronunciation SSBE / RP.8. Irish English pronunciation: transcription of phonemes and allophones. Regional variation within Irish English.9. Foreign accent: its causes and consequences. Characteristics of Czech-accented English.


Mgr. Markéta Janebová, Ph.D.doc. PhDr. Ludmila Veselovská, Ph.D.