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Předmět Final Bachelor's Degree Exam in Language (KAA / SZAJ1)

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Pro každou lingvistickou disciplínu jsou níže uvedená témata, která budou u zkoušky přeformulována do konkrétních (podrobných) otázek. Tyto otázky se mění a nejsou studentům k dispozici.1. Phonetics + Phonology1. Phonetic description of English consonants and vowels: their articulation and their basic acoustic properties.2. English speech sounds as a system: their phonological status and distribution. Types of transcription and their purposes.3. Articulation and acoustics of English obstruents and sonorants. Allophonic processes affecting English consonants.4. Classifying English vowels: articulatory, acoustic and phonological criteria. Allophonic processes affecting English vowels.5. English prosody: Stress and rhythm; intonation, intonation patterns; prosodic units. Connected speech phenomena (e.g. reduction of unstressed function words, linking).6. British and American standard pronunciation: RP and GA vocalic and consonantal phonemes and allophones.2. Grammar (Morpho+Syntax)1. Language typology - morphological/genetic typology - classify/compare English and Czech. Taxonomy of Morphemes - according to (i) meaning, (ii) position, etc.2. Parts of Speech - Criteria for classification (grammatical vs. lexical categories).3. NOUN: Morphology of Nouns (Case, Animacy/Gender, Countability/Number, Determination). The structure of English NP and its sentence functions.4. MODIFIERs: English AP modifiers (Adj./Adv.), their semantics, morphology and sentence functions (incl. distribution).5. VERB: Morphology of Verbs (Tense, Aspects, Mood). Classification of Verbs according to (i) subcategorization and (ii) NICE. English Modals and Auxs, verbs have and be.6. Sentence functions (sentence members) - their nature and taxonomy. Subjects in English - prototypical characteristics and standard deviations in English.7. English PRONOUNS - taxonomy. Pragmatic and syntactic anaphors. Binding.8. Verbal (clausal) projection: Complement vs. Adjunct vs. Disjunct . Objects in English. Passivisation - its format and functions (compare Czech and English).9. The function and form of sentences. Main clause patterns in English ? declarative, interrogative etc. clauses.10. Complex sentence. Taxonomy of subordinate clauses. Relative clauses, WH clauses.Topics (3) 3. Lexicology, Lexicography, Morphology (word formation) + Stylistics viz "Získané způsobilosti" below.

Získané způsobilosti

Státní zkouška SZAJ1 prokazuje získání znalosti anglického jazyka (lingvistiky) v rozsahu odpovídajícím bakalářskému stupně vzdělání.Topics 3. Lexicology, Lexicography, Morphology (word formation) + Stylistics1. Lexicology and its subject of study. Arbitrariness and motivation in the lexicon (index, icon, symbol). Basic units in the description of English vocabulary: Lexeme, lexical unit/item, word, word forms. Syntagmatic relations in the lexicon: the open-choice principle and the idiom principle. 2. Systematic study of lexical meaning: lexical decomposition, semantic anomalies. Denotation and connotation. Meaning change: widening, narrowing, pejoration, elevation, extensions of meaning (metaphor, metonymy, synecdoche). Centre and periphery of the English lexicon.3. Approaches to the study of lexicon: onomasiology and semasiology. Types of dictionaries, structure of a dictionary entry. Thesaurus. Terminology. Lexical hierarchies, semantic fields. 4. Paradigmatic sense relations of inclusion, identity and opposition: hyponymy, synonymy and antonymy. Polysemy, homonymy (homograph, homophone). Meronymy. 5. Types of word-formative processes. English vocabulary in a historical perspective.6. Definitions and scope of stylistics. Basic notions: Context (co-text, situational context, socio-cultural context), functions of language (Bühler, Firth, Jakobson, Halliday. Czech and British approaches to style and stylistics: Similarities and differences.7. Varieties according to language user and language use. Markedness. Varieties according to medium. Simple and complex medium. Spoken vs. written texts. Varieties according to participation. Simple and complex participation. Involved (informal and familiar) vs. informational (formal and polite) texts.8. Stylistic use of linguistic means at the level of sounds/letters (cacophony, euphony, alliteration, onomatopoeia, rhyme, suprasegmental features, graphic expressive means). Stylistic use of linguistic means at the grammatical level: Morphology and syntax (grammatical features marked as written, formal and polite/spoken, informal and familiar, structural complexity of grammatical units). 9. Stylistic use of linguistic means at the level of word meaning and sentence meaning. Denotative and connotative meaning. Expressive and stylistic connotations. Layers of English vocabulary. Interconnectedness of language levels. Context. Intertextuality.10. Czech stylistic tradition. Prague linguistic circle. Functional styles. Aesthetic function. Foregrounding. Literary stylistics. Authorial style. Stylistics as an interdisciplinary field.


Znalost tématiky na úrovni bakaláře.Okruhy jsou na SZZk od června 2014 a jsou určeny studentům, kteří zahájili studium na KAA po září 2012. Poslední aktualizace témat je možná 6 měsíců před termínem zkoušky.Otázky u zkoušky zahrnují 3 JAZYKOVĚDNÉ OBLASTI1- foneticko-fonologickou2- morfo-syntaktickou3-lexikologickou a stylistickouSZAJ1 - Jednooboroví studenti Anglické filologie se připravují na otázky ze všech tří oblastí. U zkoušky si vytáhnou 2 otázky, na které budou odpovídat. Doba zkoušení je 40 minut.Rozdělení jazykovědných disciplín podle kurzů a zkoušek, které student mohl absolvovat během bakalářského studia:Skupina Kód kurzu Název kurzu1+2+3 UJ00 Úvod do studia jazyka (+Zk)1 AFO1 Fonetika a fonologie AFO2 Fonetický seminář AF03 FONETIKA (Zk)2 AMOR Morfologie AMOS Morfosyntax SNT1 Syntax GRFZ GRAMATIKA PRO FILOLOGY (Zk)3 LEX1 Lexikologie a lexikografie STL1 Úvod do stylistiky LESZ LEXIKOLOGIE A STYLISTIKA (Zk) AMOR MorfologieZákladní a doplňková studijní literatura je uvedena v IS STAG u jednotlivých kurzů.


Mgr. Šárka Šimáčková, Ph.D.doc. PhDr. Ludmila Veselovská, Ph.D.