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Předmět The Origins of Anthropology in the Renai (KFI / 92BOA)

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The field of Anthropology in philosophy addresses the question: what does it mean to be human? This question became central in the Renaissance when philosophers asked: why is being a human problematic to human beings? We will take Ernst Cassirer's Essay on Man as our lead text, which subdivides the question into humans' relation to themselves, to nature, to the realm of knowledge and culture, including religion, language, art, and history. We will study the issues in main sources of Renaissance thought, among others in Leon Battista Alberti, Girolamo Cardano, Nicholas of Cusa, Marsilio Ficino, Martin Luther, Giovanni Pico, Juan Luis Vives. The exact selection of sources depends in part on the input and interests of students.

Získané způsobilosti

General: critical reading, including comparison between various positions; Specific for this course are the following aims of understanding: (1) the specific approach of philosophy of human nature; (2) basic understanding of the historic development of thought, specifically the Renaissance; (3) comparison of different philosophical methods within a period and across history.


I will provide pdf documents of the relevant readings.


Students must be willing to read a variety of theories, hopefully in various languages: English, Latin, and others.Evaluation methodsReflections and questions: 20%Discussion leading: 10 %Class minutes: 20 %Paper: 50%


prof. Dr. Paul Richard Blum