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Předmět The soul an the body from the Middle Age (KFI / SBM)

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The traditional notion, in Western thought, of a human soul or spirit, connected to, but not produced by its body, distinct from and superior to it, and possibly even surviving the separation from it, is not, as it might appear, a mere religious belief ?forced? on Christian philosophers. On the contrary, the theological notion itself was shaped by various requirements of natural and moral philosophy. A spiritual entity was assumed in order to explain the specific qualities and functions of a living body, consciousness and self-consciousness in human beings. Its survival after physical death solved the problem of injustice in the world order.The interrelation between the human body and soul, and specifically the question of the unity of the intellect, and whether and how the soul could survive a separation from its body, was widely discussed and led to significant philosophical controversies in the Middle Ages and early modernity. Aristotle?s views were not universally accepted, and his followers, as well, gave different interpretations of the central texts.Today the intellectual climate of a predominant materialistic monism with its tendency to reduce ?soul? or ?consciousness? to bodily functions makes an adequate reading and evaluation of this complex and multilayered discussion difficult.We will try to reconstruct and understand as far as possible our authors? own views which, while differing widely from each other, still assumed the reality of the soul as a distinct entity.

Získané způsobilosti

General: critical reading, including comparison between various positions; Distinction between specifically philosophical and theological arguments;Insight into the historical development of philosophical concepts;Insight into the interrelation of philosophical, scientific and theological questions and worldviews


I will provide pdf documents of the relevant readings.


Students should be able to read philosophical texts closely and have a fair command of English. Some knowledge of Latin is helpful, but not a formal requirement.Teaching methodsEach class will be based on a text previously read. Students will write short reflections and three questions concerning every new reading. The class will discuss the text; I will regularly summarize the discussions, reflections and questions and respond to them.Each student will be discussion leader for at least one meeting.Each student has to write one paper (ca. 2000 - 3000 words).Evaluation methodsReflections and questions: 25%Discussion leading: 25%Paper: 50%