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The main aim of this course held in English is to provide an international introduction into the closely interwoven cultural relationships between ecclesiastical and secular ceremonies and territorial and local politics through presenting the integrating and legitimising role of late medieval and Renaissance entries, acts of departures and various processions. These cultural acts occasionally created, implemented and reflected social and political rule and order utilising the staging of religious ceremonies in a secular context. Besides shaping and self-fashioning regional and local communal identities these secular and/or religious performances functioned both in Western and Central Europe as spheres of conflict and co-operation between local interest groups and mighty external, i.e. ecclesiastical, ducal and royal influences. The course presenting interregional, cross-disciplinary and comparative examples intends to put under scrutiny the comprehensive transformation of the latter political and cultural phenomena through analyzing textual as well as visual sources. The course focuses not only on the organizers and participants but also on the meaning of the ceremonials shaping communal, regional and state identities. Accordingly, themes dedicated to all-inclusive or smaller regional or local ceremonies targeting the spheres of spirituality and politics in Western and Central Europe are widely incorporated. The course embraces a number of different methodological approaches ranging from historical anthropology over the theories of communication to the new concepts of ?spatial turn?. Among the main topics the cultural (re)formation of regional political and religious hierarchies, the means of external interventions and the (re)invention of the ceremony as a ?lieu de mémoire? deserve a special attention.

Získané způsobilosti

Schopnost vystihnout hlavní specifika urbánního vývoje střední Evropy ve vztahu k západní Evropě.


Peter Johanek, Angelika Lampen (Hg.). Adventus. Studien zum herrscherlichen Einzug in die Stadt. Köln, 2009. Barbara A. Hanawalt, Kathryn L. Ryerson (eds.). City and Spectacle in Medieval Europe. Minneapolis, 1994. Alexandra F. Johnston, Wim Hüsken (eds.). Civic Ritual and Drama. Amsterdam ? Atlanta, GA, 1997. Mark Mersiowsky, Ellen Widder. Der Adventus in mittelalterlichen Abbildungen. Köln, 2002. Sabine Felbecker. Die Prozession. Historische und systematische Untersuchungen zu einer liturgischen Ausdruckhandlung. Altenberge, 1995. Gordon Kipling. Enter the King. Theatre, Liturgy, and Ritual in the Medieval Civic Triumph. Oxford, 1998. Kathleen Ashley, Wim Hüsken (eds.). Moving subjects. Processional performance in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. Amsterdam ? Atlanta, GA, 2001. Andrea Löther. Prozessionen in spätmittelalterlichen Städten. Politische Partizipation, obrigkeitliche Inszenierung, städtische Einheit. Köln, 1999. Hans Nielen. Prozessionsfeste und dramatische Spiele im interreligiösen Vergleich. Eine religionsphänomenologische Studie zu Fastnacht, Fronleichnam, ?Ašura und Purim. Berlin, 2005. Gerrit Jasper Schenk. Zeremoniell und Politik. Herrschereinzüge im spätmittelalterlichen Reich. Köln, 2003.


aktivita na seminářičetbaesej


prof. Mgr. Jaroslav Miller, M.A., Ph.D.