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Předmět Ethnomusicology today (KMU / ET)

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Content: ethnomusicology has its own traditions and methods; this subject aims to introduce students to the breadth of this discipline, and to discover how it fits into the study of music over all.Brief description: lectures and seminars will cover: music and identity; hermeneutics; theory and practice in ethnomusicology; musical meaning; politics and power in world music?s; gender, race the notion of feminism in ethnomusicology; and postcolonial approaches within the discipline. Finally, the organisation and setting up of a fieldwork experience will take place. Students will be required to travel to Krakow, Poland, for fieldwork, to be undertaken together with the Lecturer in charge. Students will leave Olomouc on November 28th, and will be required to stay in Krakow for 4 nights until Monday, December 2nd at their own expense. During this time, they will share excursions with students studying Jewish music, but will also be required to collect material while undergoing the fieldwork experience. Full details of what is required will be given in lectures from week 1.

Získané způsobilosti

On completion of this subject students will understand the nature of ethnomusicology as a discipline. This includes study of the anthropology of music. This means music as a product of man´s behaviour. In addition, students will know how to organize and carry out fieldwork among a group of people including interviewing and recording musical performances. Finally, the music will be analyzed and discussed in order to see its structure and meaning.Skills: English language.


Nettl, Bruno. The Study of Ethnomusicology: Thirty-one Issues and Concepts. Illinois, University of Illinois Press, 2005.


Requirements :(i) minimum attendance at 80% of lectures; (ii) viva voce examination of prepared questions in English based on the fieldwork notes of the students; (iii) fieldwork in north Rumania [Maramures Province].


Greg Hurworth, Ph.D.


Greg Hurworth, Ph.D.