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Předmět Gustav Mahler (KMU / GUM)

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Content: this subject aims to make a survey of Mahler's music in relation to his life. Each of the symphonies and main songs will be analysed showing how Mahler constructed symphonies; in addition, the main focus will be the meanings behind Mahler's music, and the musical language he uses to express himself.Brief description: selected works from Mahler?s Symphonies and Songs will be analysed in detail. The songs are in German. In addition, students should be prepared to go on a 2 day excursion to Mahler country, staying overnight in Jihlava on Thursday, 14th November, 2013. Visits will be made to the Mahler Museums and to Kaliste, the birthplace of Mahler.

Získané způsobilosti

On completion of this subject students should be able to read a score of Mahler´s music, to analyze the structure of the music, to understand the symbols used in the music and therefore describe the narrative of the music.In addition, students will understand how Mahler´s music is authobiographical and where is fits into Western European music.Skills: ability to read an orchestral score is an asset, but not completely necessary. In addition to English language, some basic knowledge of German language would be an advantage.


Johnson, Julian. Mahler s Voices: Expression and Irony in Mahler s Songs and Symphonies. Oxford University Press, UK, 2009. Barham, Jeremy ed. Perspectives on Gustav Mahler, Aldershot. UK, Ashgate, 2005. Mitchell, Donald & Andrew Nicholson, eds. The Mahler Companion. New York and Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1999.


Requirements : (i) A short personal reflective essay entitled What Mahler's music means to me, preferably in English, but may be in Czech; (ii) minimum attendance of 80% of the lectures.


Greg Hurworth, Ph.D.


Greg Hurworth, Ph.D.