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Předmět Megaměsta vs. ekoměsta (KPE / DVB)

Na serveru studentino.cz naleznete nejrůznější studijní materiály: zápisky z přednášek nebo cvičení, vzorové testy, seminární práce, domácí úkoly a další z předmětu KPE / DVB - Megaměsta vs. ekoměsta, Filozofická fakulta, Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci (UP).

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The course traces the trajectory from ancient eras to our contemporary conditions of urbanization. With the majority of humans being now an urban species, urbanization will be crucial to the survival of humanity in the 21st century. On the basis of this, we will ask and reflect on questions such as ?What is a city??, ?How do we live in cities nowadays and how do we want to live there in the future?? ?What is wholesomeness, integrality, transdisciplinarity, wholism in urban development?? ?In which way should/could urban planning and leadership in policy making be transformed in order to accommodate the notion of a great social transformation??.Key themes covered:1. Historic overview of global urbanization to understand the contemporary context: covers different cultural regions and the rationale, worldview, cosmology underpinning urban planning and design,2. Current and projected dynamics of urbanization: regional comparisons (Africa, Asia, Latin America, Europe & North America),3. What, actually, is a city? Images and connotations (both positive and negative), reflections and definitions,4. The 21st century an urban age: urbanization as crisis or potential? Key issues in the current discourses and debates of urbanization,5. How mainstream planning is trying to tackle urban challenges: overview of urban planning theories concentrating on current mainstream,6. Selected ?non-conventional? urbanists: e.g. Buckminster Fuller, Louis Mumford, Patrick Geddes as forerunners of contemporary thought; application of neo-integrative approaches to urbanization such as Integral Theory, Critical Realism/Philosophy of MetaReality,7. Examples/case studies of radically innovative urban initiatives/movements in various parts of the world ? from rural ecovillages to urban intentional communities: Transition Town initiatives, model towns (e.g. Auroville, carbon neutral cities, etc.), urban (guerrilla) gardening and (re-)emerging new cooperative cultures (e.g. co-housing, reclaiming public spaces),8. In which way must urban planning practices and policies be changed, if at all, to accommodate social transformation towards sustainable urban living? Collective reflection on urban quality of life: where do we stand (current values) and where do we want to/must go (transformation of values)?

Získané způsobilosti

The course seeks to provide participants with theoretical and practical knowledge about key issues of global urbanisation. It also attempts to equip students with approaches to critically understand, analyse and reflect on urban development and politics in the contemporary world. Finally, the course will introduce students to subjective tools as aids to assess their own, personal experience of cities and the urban.


Asian Development Bank. (2008). Managing Asian Cities: sustainable and inclusive urban solutions. Anhorn, Michael R. Spirituality and Planning in a Diverse World. University of British Columbia, Vancouver. Gmelch, George, and Walter P. Zenner. (1996). Urban Life: Readings in Urban Anthropology. Hopkins, Rob. (2008). The Transition Handbook: From Oil Dependency to Local Resilience. Totnes, UK: Green Books.


The course has two assessment criteria: (1) an active approach to learning, i.e. contributing to the class in various ways (discussion, sharing of reflections/observations, small group work, questions, etc.); and (2) an oral or written contribution (e.g. a presentation or an essay). Each criterion counts half of the course grade.


prof. Gaudenz Assenza, Ph.D.