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This course aims to be transformative by integrating theory, reflexive thinking & actions. It will point to the current madness of our world today that invites us to re-think about our mindsets and actions. In doing so, it will:firstly, to engage you to explore the concept of (un)sustainability and to distinguish paradigms and mindsets impacting society and the environment; secondly, it will expose you to the power of your own agency and supports you to uncover your personal leadership and potential through which you can contribute to a sustainable world. The course will combine methods of interactive lectures; watching inspirational movies and video clips; and deep, reflexive work in groups.

Získané způsobilosti

After successful completion of the course you, students, are expected to:- have a multi-faceted understanding of the concept of (un)sustainability - have personalized the concept of sustainability by engaging into a personal real life question within your own sphere of influence- have knowledge about modernity, post-modernity and trans-modernity paradigms, related mindsets, behaviours and impacts in society & in the environment- have uncovered the power of your own agency and have developed an understanding of how you can use your potential to lead inspiring lives and to contribute to a sustainable world- have deeper understanding about challenges faced in the process of commitment towards social and environmental change.


Hawken, P. Blessed Unrest: How the Largest Movement in the World Came into Being and Why No One Saw It Coming. New York: Penguin Books, 2007. Sinclair, A. Leadership for Disillusioned: Moving Beyond Myths and Heroes to Leading That Liberates. Australia: Allen & Unwin, 2007. Steinem, G. Revolution From Within. Boston: Little, Brown and Company., 1993. Rifkin, J. The Empathic Civilization: The Race to Global Consciousness in a World in Crisis. Los Angeles: Tarcher, 2009. Rifkin, J. The European Dream: How Europe?s Vision of the Future is Quietly Eclipsing the American Dream. New York: Penguin Group, 2005. Ghisi, L.M. The Knowledge Society: A Breakthrough Toward Genuine Sustainability. Cochin: Arunachala Press, 2008. Eisler, R. R. The Real Wealth of Nations. San Francisco: Berret-Koehler Publishers, 2007.


The course has two assessment criteria: (1) an active approach to learning, i.e. contributing to the class in various ways (discussion, sharing of reflections/observations, small group work, questions, etc.); and (2) an oral presentation. Each criterion counts half of the course grade.


prof. Gaudenz Assenza, Ph.D.


Irena Ateljević, Ph.D.