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Předmět Přijímání a odpouštění (KPE / OAF)

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This course introduces students to concept of forgiveness in world religions and its latest rethinking for spiritual healing. Researches show that forgiveness is a long-term painful process which can take years. Present day theories like radical forgiveness suggest a fast track from pain and negative feelings to learning from the past and moving to the future. We will try to radically forgive as a practical part of course and discuss the results together. Inspirational video talks, personal stories from participants will be significant part of the course.

Získané způsobilosti

The course seeks to provide some knowledge and competences that will be useful regardless of participant's career choice. Emphasis is given to techniques that can help to get rid of the position of a victim in a conflict, let aggressor "of the hook" and restore the inner peace.


Everett L. Worthington, Jr., Don E. Davis, et al. Forgiveness and Religion: Update and Current Status. Inter-Disciplinary Press, 2010. Derrida, Jaeques. On Forgiveness. Verbin, Nebahama. Verbin, Nebahama. What is Forgiveness?. 2010. Surrey, Cameron. Forgiveness in not Undoing the Past but Pardoning the Impossible. Tipping, Colin. Radical Forgiveness: A Revolutionary Five-Stage Process to Heal Relationships, Let Go of Anger and Blame, Find Peace in Any Situation. ReadHowYouWant. 2012. TED talks 2004. Dan Gilbert: The surprising science of happiness Dan Gilbert: The surprising science of happiness. TED talks 2010: 9/11 healing: The mothers who found forgiveness, friendship.


The course has two assessment criteria: (1) an active approach to learning, i.e. contributing to the class in various ways (discussion, sharing of reflections/observations, small group work, questions, etc.); and (2) an oral contribution (e.g. a presentation). Each criterion counts half of the course grade.


prof. Gaudenz Assenza, Ph.D.