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Předmět Psychologické dimenze udržitelnosti (KPE / PCD1)

Na serveru studentino.cz naleznete nejrůznější studijní materiály: zápisky z přednášek nebo cvičení, vzorové testy, seminární práce, domácí úkoly a další z předmětu KPE / PCD1 - Psychologické dimenze udržitelnosti, Filozofická fakulta, Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci (UP).

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This course starts with a big picture overview of the state of the world in sustainability terms, and then introduces students to, respectively, the cultural, psychological, and spiritual dimensions of these issues. The concept of worldview plays a central role in each of these domains. Students will learn to analyze and reflect on the basic structure and dynamics of the predominant worldviews in the West, and this understanding will be used to analyze contemporary sustainability debates and discourses. Students will also be encouraged to engage in a self-reflexive process of identifying their own primary worldview. Finally, we will practice cultivating mutual understanding and empathically and strategically communicating across worldviews.

Získané způsobilosti

The course seeks to provide students with the analytical skills and philosophical concepts to understand and discuss the basic worldview-dynamics in the West and their relevance to planetary issues of sustainability, as well as greater self-reflexivity in terms of their own worldview. Moreover, students will increase their competency to communicate with and across different worldview-audiences?an essential skill for anyone aspiring to be a (global) leader of any sort.


Wilber, Ken. Sex, ecology, spirituality. The spirit of evolution. 1995. Tarnas, Richard. The passion of the western mind. Understanding the ideas that have shaped our world view. 1991.


The course has two assessment criteria: (1) participation, i.e. contributing to the class in various ways (discussion, sharing of reflections/observations, small group work, questions, etc.); and (2) an oral contribution (e.g. a presentation). Each criterion counts half of the course grade.


prof. Gaudenz Assenza, Ph.D.


Annick Hedlund-de WittNicholas Hedlund-de Witt