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Předmět "Projekt X" - Kurz pro inovátory (KPE / PX)

Na serveru studentino.cz naleznete nejrůznější studijní materiály: zápisky z přednášek nebo cvičení, vzorové testy, seminární práce, domácí úkoly a další z předmětu KPE / PX - "Projekt X" - Kurz pro inovátory, Filozofická fakulta, Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci (UP).

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In light of the uncertainty of the global economic outlook, there are growing concerns about job search and job security. Through a series of creative and interactive workshops, this course helps students use their personal strengths for a project that captures their heart. Using brainstorming, small group work, and visioning exercises, the students will engage with topics of their choice. The course offers specific guided reflective and imaginary processes of self-exploration for clarifying individual vocation in life (Project X).Finding your vocation is much more profound and strategic than seeking to fit in with the market. It is a continuous process of alignment and calibration on several levels: it is about aligning your life with your purpose (micro alignment); with the people around us (meso alignment); and with the coming changes in the world (macro alignment). Many great enterprises and social endeavors were born at the university, when like-minded people joined forces in collaborative endeavors.

Získané způsobilosti

The course aims to unlock the creative and entrepreneurial potential in students; it strengthens their ability to identify areas of interest and passion that require personal and/or political investment; it increases problem solving capacity using the creative learning methods. The process of finding one's vocation could be thought of as a job generating machine, because knowing one's vocation becomes a source of creativity and enthusiasm. If people know what talents they have and what they really want to do, they have the necessary motivation and energy to implement their dreams.


The course has two assessment criteria: (1) an active approach to learning, i.e. contributing to the class in various ways (discussion, sharing of reflections/observations, small group work, questions, etc.); and (2) an oral contribution/presentation. Each criterion counts half.


prof. Gaudenz Assenza, Ph.D.


Sven Miller