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Předmět Structures and Agents of Cens. - S (KSA / SACE)

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1. Úvod: obsah kursu, formát výuky, požadavky. Vkus, slušnost, vyloučení: co je cenzura?2. Oblasti a problémy cenzury.3. Historie cenzury: Sokrates, hony na čarodějnice, Encyklopedisté, Index Librorum Prohibitorum, cenzura v alžebětinské Anglii.4. Institucionalizovaná cenzura: umění a média.5. Institucionalizovaná cenzura: knihovny a vzdělávací systém.6. Čtecí týden.7. Neinstitucionalizovaná cenzura a umlčování; autocenzura: otázky politiky.8. Neinstitucionalizovaná cenzura a umlčování; autocenzura: otázky diskriminace.9. Odpor vůči cenzuře a intelektuální komunikace: alternativní struktury.10. Odpor vůči cenzuře a intelektuální komunikace: "psaní mezi řádky".11. Odpor vůči cenzuře a intelektuální komunikace: přelstít cenzora.12. Poučení z minulosti, reflektování přítomnosti: politcká vs. mravní cenzura, politická korektnost vs. peer review, autocenzura.

Získané způsobilosti

Po absolvování kursu budou studující schopni porozumět klíčovým problémům cenzury v různých oblastech a zároveň získají přehled o historickém vývoji forem and struktur cenzury. Dále budou schopni rozlišit mezi institucionalizovanou a neinstitucionalizovanou (tj. neformální či zvykovou cenzurou) a mezi politickou a jinou cenzurou, a rovněž diskutovat o možnostech odporu proti cenzurním praktikám. Konečně, studující budou schopni problematizovat současné sociální, kulturní a společenské jevy ve světle získaných vědomostí o cenzurních strukturách a praktikách.


Either:. Short pieces of writing for in-class dicsussion; Or: watching an excerpt from the film The DaVinci Code (2006). Strauss, Leo. 1952. Persecution and the Art of Writing. Glencoe, Il: Free Press. Pp. 7-37. Hamšík, Dušan. 1971. Writers against Rulers. Translated by D. Orpington. London: Hutchinson. Pp. 94-117. Dewhirst, Martin and Robert Farrell, eds. 1973. The Soviet Censorship. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press. Pp. 121-29. Sinyavski, Andrei (Abram Tertz). 1976. " I and They : An Essay on Extreme Forms of Communication under Conditions of Human Isolation." Survey 22, 3-4: 278-87. Black Book of Polish Censorship. 1983. In Schoepflin, George, ed. Censorship and Political Communication in Eastern Europe: A Collection of Documents. New York: St. Martin s Press. Pp. 32-57.- Resource material, no need to read it all. Patterson, Annabel. 1984. Censorship and Interpretation. Madison, Wisconsin and London: University of Wisconsin Press. Pp. 3-23. Loseff, Lev. 1984. On the Beneficience of Censorship: Aesopian Language in Modern Russian Literature. Vol. 31, Arbeiten Und Texte Zur Slavistik. Muenchen: Otto Sagner. Excerpts from the Minneapolis Ordinance. 1985. In Women against Censorship, ed. by Varda Burstyn. Vancouver and Toronto: Douglas & McIntyre. Pp. 206-08. Resource material. Diamond, Sara. 1985. "Pornography: Image and Reality." In Women against Censorship, ed. by Varda Burstyn. Vancouver and Toronto: Douglas & McIntyre. Pp. 40-57. Gronau, Anna. 1985. "Women and Images: Toward a Feminist Analysis of Censorship." In Women against Censorship, ed. by Varda Burstyn. Vancouver and Toronto: Douglas & McIntyre. Pp.91-98. Sosin, Gene. 1986. "Censorship and Dissent." Studies in Comparative Communism 19, 2: 147-55. Haraszti, Miklós. 1987. The Velvet Prison: Artists under State Socialism. Translated by Katalin and Stephen Landesmann and Steve Wassermann. New York: Basic Books. Pp. 142-53. Haraszti, Miklós. 1987. The Velvet Prison: Artists under State Socialism. Translated by Katalin and Stephen Landesmann and Steve Wassermann. New York: Basic Books. Pp. 5-9, 80-81, 95-108. Remmer, Alexander. 1989. "A Note on Post-Publication Censorship in Poland 1980-1987." Soviet Studies 41, 3: 415-25. Yarim-Agaev, Yuri. 1989. "Coping with the Censor: A Soviet Scientist Remembers." In The Red Pencil: Artists, Scholars, and Censors in the Ussr, edited by Marianna Tax; Maurice Friedberg Choldin, 71-74. Boston: Unwin Hyman. Demszky, Gábor. 1989. "The Trouble with Not Having Censorship." Index on Censorship 18, 10: 19-21. Women and Censorship. 1990. Index on Censorship 19 (9):7-10, 16, 33-36. Jansen, Sue Curry. 1991. Censorship: The Knot That Binds Power and Knowledge. Oxford: Oxford UP. From pp. 26-83. DelFattore, Joan. 1992. What Johnny Shouldn t Read: Textbook Censorship in America. New Haven and London: Yale UP. Pp. 120-37. Rodgerson, Gillian a Linda Semple. 1992. "Who Watches the Watchwomen?: Feminists against Censorship". In Imagining Women: Cultural Representations and Gender, ed. by Frances Bonner, Lizbeth Goodman, Richard Allen, Linda James a Catherine King. Cambridge: Polity a OUP. Pp. 268-73. Balkin, J. M. 1993. "The American System of Censorship and Free Expression." In Patterns of Censorship around the World, edited by Ilan Peleg, Boulder: Westview Press. Pp. 155-72. Scotto, Peter. 1994. "Censorship, Reading, and Interpretation: A Case Study from the Soviet Union." PMLA 109, 1 (January): 61-70. Darnton, Robert. 1995. "Censorship, a Comparative View: France, 1789 - East Germany, 1989." Representations, no. 49 (Winter): 40-60. Olsen, Tillie. 1995. Silences. In Aspekt 1: 24-25. Dutton, Richard. 1997. Censorship. In A New History of Early English Drama, edited by John D. Cox, David Scott Kastan. New York: Columbia UP. Pp. 287-90. Post, Robert C. 1998. Censorship and Silencing. In Censorship and Silencing: Practices of Cultural Regulation, edited by R. C. Post. Los Angeles, CA: Getty Research Institute for the History of Art and the Humanities. Pp. 1-12. Vianu, Lidia. 1998. Censorship in Romania. Budapest: Central European University Press. Pp. 169-88 (Dan Verona: The Nightmare). Johnston, Gordon. 1999. "What Is the History of Samizdat?" Social History 24, 2: 115-33. Jacobs, Lea. 2000. "Industry Self-Regulation and the Problem of Textual Determination". In Controlling Hollywood: Censorship and Regulation in the Studio Era, ed. by Matthew Bernstein. London: Athlone. Pp. 87-101. Šmejkalová, Jiřina. 2001. Censors and Their Readers: Selling and Silencing Czech Books. Libraries and Culture 36, 1:87-103. Soley, Lawrence. 2002. Censorship, Inc.: The Corporate Threat to Free Speech in the United States. New York: Monthly Review. Pp.1-20. Falk, Barbara J. 2003. The Dilemmas of Dissidence in East-Central Europe. Citizen Intellectuals and Philosopher Kings. Budapest: CEU Press. Pp. 42-43, 92-95, 130-35. Müller, Beate. 2004. "Censorship and Cultural Regulation: Mapping the Territory." In Censorship and Cultural Regulation in the Modern Age, Critical Studies 22, ed. by Beate Müller. Amsterdam: Rodopi. Pp. 1-31. Attar, Samar. 2006. "The Price of Dissidence: A Meditation on Creativity, Censorship, and Exile." Meridians: Feminism, Race, Transnationalism 6, 2: 150-76.


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prof. Libora Oates-Indruchová, Ph.D.