Předmět Movement Games (KAS / @PHA)
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Top 10 materiálů tohoto předmětu
Materiály tohoto předmětu
Materiál | Typ | Datum | Počet stažení |
Další informace
Game, movement game, characteristic features, importance of game in human life, utilization of game and movement game in educational process. Presentation/realization/evaluation of about 120 movement games for children and youth of various age, in various conditions and of variable characteristics. Practical application of games in every part of teaching unit. Involvement of games and playing into all educational subjects and areas.
Získané způsobilosti
Competence for qualified leading of plays and movement games - as educator on bachelor level.
Kirchner, G. Children s Games from Around the World. Benjamin Cummings, 2000. ISBN 978-0205296279.
A credit - active involvement at seminars- seminar presentation- knowledge test - 85% active involvement at the lessons.Continues on from TTK, PE didactics.
doc. Mgr. Erik Sigmund, Ph.D.
Mgr. Jan Bělka, Ph.D.doc. Mgr. Erik Sigmund, Ph.D.