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Předmět Sitting volleyball (KAT / @VSTP)

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Top 10 materiálů tohoto předmětu

Materiály tohoto předmětu

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Další informace


1. Sitting volleyball, history, sources.2. WOVD.3. Rules.4. Sitting volleyball and sport classification.5. Practical exercise, introductory games..6. Technique of ball-handling (practical lessons).7. Technique of movement and formations.8. Play exercises - reaction.9. Play exercises - coordination.10. Play exercises - overhand/underhand, service, attack.11. Play exercises - juggling.12. Passing from the field.13. Impact of competitive sport on motor system of athletes with disability.14. Student's tournament.Every lesson will include theory and practical training of skills for sitting volleyball.

Získané způsobilosti

It is expected that after passing the course student will: a) be acquainted with technique, practical exercises, principle and the rules of the game (WOVD), introductory exercises and variants of the game. b) know how to organize teaching or coaching lessons of sitting volleyball. c) master practically technique and exercises.d) know about impact of competitive sport on motor system of athletes with disability.


Kudláček, M., Ješina, O., Machová, I., & Válek, J. Aplikované pohybové aktivity pro osoby s tělesným postižením. Olomouc: Univerzita Palackého, 2007. ISBN 978-80-244-1655-7.http://www.sittingvolleyball.org.au/. http://www.volleyballengland.org/Sitting_Volleyball/index.php. Vute, R. Scoring skills performances of the top international men s sitting volleyball teams. Acta Gymnica 29/2 s. 55-62, 1999. Haan, J. Sitting volleyball - technique and exercises. Haarlem: Uitgeverij De Vrieseborch, 1986. Vute, R. Sporting values among Europe s elite sitting-volleyball players. Acta Gymnica 30/1 s. 33-39, 2000. Miller, B. (2005). The volleyball handbook. Champaign, Ill: Human Kinetics.


1. Active participation (80%), basic skills presentation.2. Test of sitting volleyball rules, training leadership.3. Essay.


Mgr. Julie Wittmannová, Ph.D.


Mgr. Pavel Háp, Ph.D.