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Předmět Biomedical Aspects of Health (KRL / @BAPR)

Na serveru studentino.cz naleznete nejrůznější studijní materiály: zápisky z přednášek nebo cvičení, vzorové testy, seminární práce, domácí úkoly a další z předmětu KRL / @BAPR - Biomedical Aspects of Health, Fakulta tělesné kultury, Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci (UP).

Top 10 materiálů tohoto předmětu

Materiály tohoto předmětu

Materiál Typ Datum Počet stažení

Další informace


- Lifestyle in terms of human biology- Basics of genetics of lifestyle diseases- Effects of regular physical activity on the occurrence and progression of lifestyle diseases- Principles of optimum nutrition- Causes of obesity and diabetes- Basic principles of prevention and treatment of obesity and diabetes- Physical activity in the system of prevention and treatment of metabolic diseases- Effectiveness, complexity and safety of PA- FITT- Adherence to PA- Optimization of PA intensity- PA diagnostics and monitoring (VO2max, METs, RPE, HR)- Practical calculation of adequate and individualized PA- Effects of age, involutional changes and PA- VARIA (as required by the students)

Získané způsobilosti

Upon completion of the course the students will be proficient in the following: 1. Issue of health consequences of hypokinesia in modern industrial society 2. Application of comprehensive intervention in preventive health programmes 3. Indication and contraindication of physical activity programmes for various age groups 4. Basic principles of prescribing physical activity programmes


Heyward, V. H. Advanced fitness assessment and exercise prescription. 5th ed. Champaign: Human Kinetics, 2006. ISBN 0-7360-5732-3.


Active participation in lessons.Prescription of optimal program of PA.Presentation of required knowledge during written exam.


PhDr. Dr. Martin Sigmund, Ph.D.


PhDr. Dr. Martin Sigmund, Ph.D.