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Předmět Travel and Tourism (KRL / @SLVT)

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Topics1. Meet at Tourism Information Center in Zagreb. Brief tour of city based on perspective in the book. Homework: Book is in Library - Read this book, Chapter One and Three. Class introductions. Introduction to travel and tourism. Modern Day Explorers (My research.) Class discussion. What creates a tourist? Discussion of travel, tourism, mass tourism. Philosophy of tourism, vacation, holiday, rest, leisure, recreation.2. Tour of Tourist Information center. Ask questions from reading. Go to UNESCO column and read about this. Research I did in Zagreb. Presentation. Discuss a class project. Discuss what you learn from chapter one. And three questions you have. Main points from chapter 1 - How do you study tourism, economic importance of tourism, availability of data, what is tourism (tourist, community, service provider, government). Also share about from chapter 3, discuss about some career you would like in tourism. Also discuss the value of UNESCO. I will present the research I did on travel and tourism in Zagreb. Homework: Each one present from one of these chapters 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. Five - Ten minutes maximum. Not a complete summary. Just a summary of chapter. What is important to you and why.3. Visit travel agent (Student Travel) and a hotel (Hotel Gemo). Present from chapters 4, 5, 6, 7. Five to ten minutes maximum. Come up with a research project you would like to do for travel. Create a survey. Bring survey for next week. Survey 10 students and write a summary. Homework: Tour the city of Olomouc using the audio guide. Take pictures and put on "you tube", discuss using topics which we have already discussed.4. Tour main museum near cathedral in Olomouc. Use the audio guide. Do something creative in the museum. Rec pub. Present tours and what you are learning. Discuss what is cultural tourism (wikipidea), and learning experiences of senior travelers. Look at survey that you will conduct. Homework: Do survey with ten students. Present this next week the results of your survey. And what did you learn.5. Tour modern museum and pension. Sociology of tourism. Look at your surveys.6. Presentations of surveys research. What did you learn? (Last class). Have an exam in class, based on what we have covered and learned.

Získané způsobilosti

Specific Learning Outcomes1. To be able to discuss the foundation of recreation and leisure to tourism.2. To understand the role of the tourist industry.3. To know the difference between independent travel and mass tourism.4. To understand the sociological and psychological dynamics of travel.5. To learn more about cultural tourism.6. To learn how to be a traveler.7. To learn more about English language.8. To become familiar with tourism and travel industry in Czech Republic, especially in Olomouc.


McIntosh, R. W., Goeldner, C. R., & Ritchie, J. R. B. Tourism: Principles, Practices, and Philosophies. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1995. American Journal of Health Promotion. Cleveland. ISBN 0890-1171.Australian Journal of Outdoor Education. Milton: Outdoor Council of Australia. ISBN 1324-1486.JOPERD: The Journal of Physical Recreation, Education and Dance. Reston: American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance. ISBN 0730-3084.Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning. Penrith: Institute for Outdoor Learning. ISBN 1472-9679.Journal of Aging and Physical Activity. Champaign: Human Kinetics. ISBN 1063-8652.Sociology of Sport. Bartoluci, M., & Cavlek, N. Tourism and sport: Aspects of development. Zagreb: Skolska Knjiga., 2007.


Class WorkYou will not get final grade until all work is handed in.Attend class, complete assigned homework, and participate in class discussion and class activities.One point.Final: Final paper on some topic of tourism that you are interested in. You must have this topic approved by me. And will include five references on your paper. This should be something that is interesting for you in the areas of travel, tourism, recreation, and leisure. Also you can include your survey in this document. One point.Tour through Olomouc with field guide from tourist information center. One point. (You must provide me with time and date of this.)Meet with professor.One point.Class survey of tourists. Select one area of travel/tourism you are interested in and write a report on this. (Make a presentation in class.) Survey must include logistics of travel and sociological and psychological dimensions of travel. Do a report on this.One point.Bonus:Read some book about travel and tourism. Ask Teacher about.One point.Malpractice and Plagiarism Cheating, copying of other people's work, or the fabrication of ideas in class will not be tolerated. Plagiarism is when you copy something from another source without giving proper credit. It is normal to use other people's information, however, you must give credit for that source. If you copy someone then you must use quotation marks, and the page number of the source. The ideal is to read about one topic from several sources, and think about this subject, and come up with your own ideas.


Mgr. Donald Nichols Roberson, Ph.D.


Mgr. Donald Nichols Roberson, Ph.D.Mgr. Donald Nichols Roberson, Ph.D.