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Předmět Successful Ageing and Physical Culture (KSK / @SAPC)

Na serveru studentino.cz naleznete nejrůznější studijní materiály: zápisky z přednášek nebo cvičení, vzorové testy, seminární práce, domácí úkoly a další z předmětu KSK / @SAPC - Successful Ageing and Physical Culture, Fakulta tělesné kultury, Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci (UP).

Top 10 materiálů tohoto předmětu

Materiály tohoto předmětu

Materiál Typ Datum Počet stažení

Další informace


1. Understanding of aging and the changes in the physical body.2. Successful aging.3. Aging in your family.4. How the government prepares and takes care of aging (the Chvalkovice House of Seniors).5. Community project. Recreation centers in Olomouc.6. Community project.7. Community project.8. Seniors having fun. Avion.9. Special topics for seniors - gender, race, poverty.10. Retirement.11. Gardening, Dancing, Classes.12. Student presentations13. Student presentations

Získané způsobilosti

1. Student will understand recreation and leisure philosophy and will be able to apply it in the field of recreation and leisure of older adults. This learning oucome also includes understanding of ageing.2. Student will know how to create a recreation/leisure program for older adults with using learning outcome No. 1. He/she will demonstrate this knowledge through a project of such kind of programme and through its presentation in class.4. Student will know to write a formula for successful aging.5. Student will make progress in his/her English reading/writing and communication skills. He will present it through his/her written works based on recommended readings, and through discussions on his/her project and projects of his/her class colleagues.


American Journal of Health Promotion. Cleveland. ISBN 0890-1171.Australian Journal of Outdoor Education. Milton: Outdoor Council of Australia. ISBN 1324-1486.JOPERD: The Journal of Physical Recreation, Education and Dance. Reston: American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance. ISBN 0730-3084.Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning. Penrith: Institute for Outdoor Learning. ISBN 1472-9679.Journal of Aging and Physical Activity. Champaign: Human Kinetics. ISBN 1063-8652.Kinesiology. Zagreb: Fakultet za fizičku kulturu. ISBN 1331-1441.McGuire, F. A., Boyd, R., & Tedrick, R. T. Leisure and aging: Ulyssean living in later life. 3rd. ed. Champaign, Ill.: Sagamore Publishing, 2004. ISBN 1571675523.Sociology of Sport. Rowe, J. W., & Kahn , R. L. Successful aging. New York: Dell Publishing., 1998. The journals above are available in the Library of the Faculty of Physical Culture.


1. 80% Attendance of classes.2. Portfolio on successful aging.3. Presentation on aging.4. Community service.5. Final exam.


Mgr. Donald Nichols Roberson, Ph.D.


Mgr. Donald Nichols Roberson, Ph.D.