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Předmět Pathological Physiology (PFY / VAB11)

Na serveru studentino.cz naleznete nejrůznější studijní materiály: zápisky z přednášek nebo cvičení, vzorové testy, seminární práce, domácí úkoly a další z předmětu PFY / VAB11 - Pathological Physiology, Lékařská fakulta, Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci (UP).

Top 10 materiálů tohoto předmětu

Materiály tohoto předmětu

Materiál Typ Datum Počet stažení

Další informace


Pathophysiology of the central nervous system. Disorders of consciousness. Pathophysioloy of the respiratory system. Blood gasses. Acute respiratory disturbances. Pulmonary embolism. Pulmonary oedema. RDSs. Pathophysiology of kidney. End-stage renal disease. Kidney failure. Nephritic and nephrotic syndromes. Water and salt disturbances. Diabetes mellitus. Acid-base disorders. Acute pancreatitis. Ileus. Liver failure. Liver encephalopathy. Ascites. Easter holliday. Malnutrition. Energetic bilance. Enteral and parenteral nutrition. Obesity. Diet as the major life style factor. Stress. Eustress. Distress. General adaptation syndrome. Intracrinology and disorders of endocrine system. Disturbances of hormonal regulation of the ion bilance. Pseudohyperaldosteronism. Hypersensitivity reactions. Autoimmune diseases. Pathophysiology of cancer. Free theme. The students are encouraged to specify the theme.

Získané způsobilosti

The students are able to evaluate the complex history and laboratory and clinical data that are required to establish the diagnosis, plan therapy, and/or set preventive measures. The students understand the principles of experimental and clinical research. The students are endowed with the multifaceted theoretical background for subsequent clinical studies as well as evidence-based medicinal practice.


http://pfyziol.upol.czhttp://portal.lf1.cuni.cz/http://portal.med.muni.cz/McCance, K. L., Huether, S. E., Brashers, V. L., Rote, N. S. Pathophysiology. Mosby, 2009. ISBN 978-0323065849.Guyton, A. C., Hall, J. E. Textbook of Medical Physiology. Saunders, 2006. ISBN 978-0721602400.


Successful attendance in all exercises (one absence is tolerated without necessity to supply it). Letter of apology is necessary in the case of other absence(-s). No more than three missed exercises will be accepted. Passing tests and/or oral interviews covering the topics of all the practical and lecture themes.


prof. MUDr. Martin Petřek, CSc.


prof. MUDr. Martin Petřek, CSc.MUDr. Iveta Poljaková, Ph.D.MUDr. Dagmar Riegrová, CSc.MUDr. Iveta Poljaková, Ph.D.MUDr. Dagmar Riegrová, CSc.