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Předmět Programming for control applications (KE / ZPRLE)

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Top 10 materiálů tohoto předmětu

Materiály tohoto předmětu

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Další informace


Introduction to subject, basics terms - class, object, polymorphism, inheritance, encapsulation.Object creating and deleting - constructors, destructors, memory management (garbage collector in .NET)Inheritance - Set and Get Methods, Concept of properties in C#. Static members.Exceptions - exception is object, handling and throwing of exceptions. .NET Exception classes hierarchy.Relations between classes - simple inheritance, this and base operator. Inheritance vs. combining of classes.Basics data structures - list, stack, queue.Polymorphism, virtual methods. Multiple inheritance. Concept of Interfaces in C#.Implementation of basic interfaces from .NET class library. Structures and their differences from classes.Event driven programming. Events and delegates in C#. Introduction to operators overloading.WinForms I - introduction, forms, control elements IWinForms II - control elements II, dialogs.WinForms III - GDI+, drawing on forms and control elements.

Získané způsobilosti

Object oriented design of programs, developing event driven applications with WinForms Library in Microsoft Visual Studio.


http://www.google.comStellman # Greene. Head First C# 2nd Edition. USA, 2010. ISBN 978-1-449-38034-2.http://stackoverflow.com/C# Station. http://www.csharp-station.com.


Credit requirements: Student must develop application with GUI himself and also must write application documentation - user guide and technical reference.Course is finished by oral exam, student must respond to questions from predefined set of topics.


Ing. Marek Pola


Ing. Marek PolaIng. Marek Pola