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Basic theoretical framework of intercultural communicative competence.Terminology connected to intercultural communicative competence, multicultural education, culture, acculturation, intercultural communication and intercultural competence etc. (intercultural - multicultural, culture, big C Culture - small c culture, subculture, language and culture, culture and society, nation, racism, ethnicity, etc.).Self awareness: one's own cultural identity and its formation (who am I and where do I belong, self-reflection, motivation, etc.).Awareness of others: what unites or separates people from different cultures; the nature and dangers of stereotyping; culture clashes and culture shock; sense of humor; reflection of others; respect, empathy, cooperation; etc.Attitudes: similarities and differences in values, beliefs, behaviours and norms; willingness to relativise them; pulling down the barriers; ability to decentre; tolerance; non-judgmental thinking; openness; curiosity; etc.Skills: savoir comprende (skills of interpreting and relating; mediation; a change in perspective) and savoir apprende / faire (skills of discovery and interaction, ability to compromise, negotiation of cultural misunderstandings, critical incidents, other useful communication strategies in intercultural settings; etc.).Knowledge: values, beliefs, assumptions; how own and other social groups and identities function and interact, etc.Proficiency in the host language: communicative language competence (What does he mean when he says? etc.).Critical cultural awareness: evaluation of cultures based on explicit criteria, perspectives, practises, products, etc.Continuous reflection of the process of perceiving and understanding intercultural communicative competence.

Získané způsobilosti

Tento studijní předmět rozvíjí všech pět domén interkulturní komunikační kompetence: vědomí, postoje, dovednosti, znalosti a dovednost v cizím jazyce studentů, a to jak v rovině komunikačních jazykových kompetencí (lingvistické, sociolingvistické, pragmatické), tak obecných kompetencí (deklarativní znalosti, dovednosti a praktické znalosti, ´existenciální´ kompetence, schopnost učit se).


Morgensternová, M., Šulová, L. Interkulturní psychologie, Rozvoj interkulturní senzitivity. Karolinum, 2007. ISBN 978-80-246-1361-1.lUSTIG, M. W., Koester, J. Intercultural Competence, Interpersonal Communication across Cultures. Průcha, J. Interkulturní komunikace. Praha, 2010. ISBN 978-80-247-3069-1.PRŮCHA, J. Interkulturní psychologie. Portál, 2004. ISBN 978-80-7367-280-5.Byram, M., Fleming, M. Language Learning in Intercultural Perspective. CUP, 1998. ISBN 0 52162376 6.PRŮCHA, J. Multikulturní výchova. Praha:ISV, 200. Deardorf, D.K. (ed.). The SAGE Handbook of Intercultural Competence. Los Angeles, 2009. ISBN 978-1412960458.Gudykunst, W.B. Theorizing about Intercultural Communication. Thousand Oaks, 2005. ISBN 978-0761927495.


Aktivní účast na seminářích.Plnění zadaných úkolů v průběhu semestru.Požadované materiály: Portfolio of my Intercultural Communicative Competence development.


Mgr. Irena Reimannová, Ph.D.