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Terminology: canon, classics, literary tradition.Biblical and literary canon: a useful parallel?Functions of literary canons.Canon and power.Canon and the institution of school.Influence of literary theory and literary criticism on the canon.Case study: the formation of American literary canon.Case study: American canon before WW II.Case study: American canon after WW II.Case study: "Opening-up the canon".Case study: American canon and the theories of American literature.Literary canon and other national literatures.

Získané způsobilosti

Studenti získají teoretické poznatky a schopnost jejich aplikace na jiné národní literatury.


Altieri, Charles. An Idea and Ideal of a Literary Canon. Critical Inquiry 10, 1983. Lauter, Paul. Canons and Contexts. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1991. Guillory, John. Canonical and Non-canonical: A Critique of the Current Debate. English Literary History 54, 1987. Fiedler, Leslie A., Baker, Houston A. Jr. English Literature: Opening Up the Canon. John Hopkins UP, 1981. BUBÍKOVÁ,Š. Literatuta v Americe, Amerika v literatuře. Univerzita Pardubice, 2007. Other works can be recommended based on individual interests. Palumbo-Liu, David, ed. The Ethnic Canon: Histories, Institutions, and Interventions. Minneapolis/London: University of Minnesota Press, 1993. Kenner, H. The Making of the Modernist Canon. Canons. Ed. R. von Hallberg. Chicago: Chicago UP, 1979. Showalter, Elaine. The New Feminist Criticism. Essays on Women, Literature and Theory. New York: Pantheon Books, 1995. Parker, Hershel. The Price of Diversity: An Ambivalent Minority Report on the American Literary Canon. College Literature 3, sv. 18, 1991. Ohman, Richard. The Shaping of a Canon: U.S. Fiction, 1960-1975. Critical Inquiry 10, 1983. Reising, Russell. The Unusable Past: Theory and the Study of American Literature. New York: Methuen, 1986. Kartiganer Donald M., Griffith, Malcolm A. Theories of American Literature. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1962. Avallone, Charlene. What American Renaissance? The Gendered Genealogy of a Critical Discourse. PMLA 5, sv. 112, 1997. Carby, Hazel V. Womanhood: The Emergence of the Afro-American Woman Novelist. New York: Oxford UP, 1987.


Účast na seminářích je povinná. Zápočet je udělen na základě aktivity v seminářích a vypracování eseje.


doc. Šárka Bubíková, Ph.D.