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Předmět Financial Accounting I (MUFU / PFA1E)

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Top 10 materiálů tohoto předmětu

Materiály tohoto předmětu

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Další informace


- Introduction to Financial Accounting. Importance and the functions of Accounting.- Long-term tangible and intangible assets. Definition. Elements. Valuation. Acquisition of long-term assets. Depreciation. Disposal.- Inventory. Definition. Valuation. Acquisition of inventory. Consumption. Examples of booking.- Financial assets. Cash and cash equivalents. Definition. Examples of booking. Forms and resources of short-term financing. System of payments.- Receivables and Payables. Definition. Classification. Special forms. Examples of booking.- Equity. Definition. Changes in equity. Settlement/distribution of current year financial result.- Debts. Definition. Function of debts from the financial control point of view. Basic introduction to debts. Provisions.- Costs and revenues. Accrual basis. Foreign exchange differences. Accrued and deferred costs and revenues.- Closing of accounts. Stock counts and booking of stock count results. EBT transformation to tax base. Deferred tax. Closing of books. Preparation of financial statements - balance sheet, income statement, notes to the statements. Table of movements of equity.- Accounting reform and specificity of state accounting.- Účetní uzávěrka a závěrka: uzávěrkové operace, inventarizace majetku a závazků, daňová analýza, výpočet splatné a odložené daně z příjmů, uzavření účetních knih, sestavení účetních výkazů, výroční zpráva, zpráva o vztazích mezi propojenými osobami, audit účetní závěrky, schválení a zveřejnění účetní závěrky.- Specifika účetnictví státu. Účetní reforma v oblasti veřejných financí.

Získané způsobilosti

After passing this course students shall be able to apply the accounting knowledge during the analysis of concrete economical transactions on value parameters of companies (assets, liabilities, equity, costs and revenues). As well as they will be able to understand the financial statements.


Credit:completion of two written tests: success rate 60% or higher - a student gains a credit; - a student has the right to one retake Exam:passing an written exam The result of a subject examination is expressed on a six-point scale: A "výborně" (i.e. "excellent"), B "velmi dobře" (i.e. "very good"), C "dobře" (i.e. "good"), D "uspokojivě" (i.e. "satisfactory"), E "dostatečně" (i.e. "sufficient"), F "nedostatečně" (i.e. "fail").


Ing. Milana Otrusinová, Ph.D.


Ing. Zuzana CrhováIng. Milana Otrusinová, Ph.D.Ing. Zuzana Crhová