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In Company Answer Key

14 Being Heard

page 80


a exchange b make c discuss d chat e find f criticise g waste

page 80


a 5 b 8 c 3 d 1 e 6 f 2 g 10 h 7 i 9 j 4

page 81


a conflict b rubbish c silence d time e things f people g conversation h room

page 81


1 c 2 a 3 b, d 4 g 5 h 6 e, f

page 81


Cultural Differences

Extract 1 = Culture 2

Extract 2 = Culture 1

Extract 3 = Culture 3

page 82


Interruption strategies

a just a minute

b let me finish

c no, hear me out

d hang on a second

e sorry to interrupt again

f if I could just finish ...

g Can I just come in here?

h Can I just stay something?

i Could I just finish what I was saying?

page 82


interrupting: a, d, e, g, h

preventing interruption: a, b, c, d, f, i

both: a, d

page 83


Meeting a cross culture

a stick to an agenda; hold up the conversation; negotiate terms; make concessions

b get underway; be in progress; haggling; rhetoric

c raise objections; allocate time; exchange e-mails; reach agreement

d set up; get going; back up; go through

e talk business; schedule a meeting; work as a team; press for a decision

f cut in; win over; overrun; work something out

page 85-86


Language Links

Meeting across culture

Vocabulary: Meetings

a the agenda

b ideas

c an opinion

d a point

e agreement

f comments

g an action plan

h details

i a decision

Comments & opinions

a If you ask me

b Frankly

c On the other hand

d Incidentally

e As a matter of fact

f Clearly

g Luckily

h Overall

i Strangely enough

j In short

k Essentially

l In theory

Grammar: Modal verbs


expressing probability a

taking the initiative b

expressing certainty c

asking for permission d

expressing possibility e

expressing obligation f

prohibiting something g

expressing inability h

giving advice i

making an offer j

making a request k

saying something isn’t necessary l


1 Yes

2 No

3 a I couldn’t talk to you then. b I hoped we’d meet again. c I had to fly to Geneva.

4 That must be right.

5 c

6 d

7 Yes

8 No

9 Yes

10 Only b is possible.

Phrase bank: Interrupting and preventing interruption


a Interrupting: Can I just come in here? Sorry to interrupt (again). Can I just say something?

b Preventing interruption: Could I just finish what I was saying? If I could just finish ... Let me finish. No, hear me out.

c Both: Erm ... Hang on a minute. Hold on a second. Just a moment. Wait a minute.


stop Juan speaking: Thanks, Juan.

stop someone else speaking so Juan can: Thanks. Juan?

[arrow down and arrow up]: Thanks. Juan?

[arrow up and arrow down]: Thanks, Juan.


1 f

2 a

3 d

4 c

5 g

6 e

7 b

Témata, do kterých materiál patří