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Předmět Introduction to Molecular Physical Chemistry (S402038)

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1. Micro and macro world / classical and quantum mechanics. Challenges and discovers of science at the turn of 19th and 20th century.2. Planck, Ritz, Einstein, Bohr, deBroglie, Heisenberg, Schrodinger: principles and postulates of quantum mechanics3. Spin, principle of symmetry, Pauli principle, Boltzmano statistics, quantum statistics4. Free particle and particle in potential well, quantum levels. Multidimensional well and quantum degeneration.5. Tunnel effect, harmonic oscillator, diatomic molecule and Morsey oscillator, dissociation constant of molecules.6. Movement moment in quantum mechanics and spin, rotation of molecules, electron at his orbit, hydrogen atom.7. Multielectron atoms, periodic system. Electron configuration, Hund rules. From quantum mechanics to chemistry. Born, Oppenheimer and other simplifications.8. Quantum chemistry, basics of chemical bond, bonding and anti-bonding orbitals.9. Molecule bond strength, inter-molecular forces.10. Movement of nuclei, rotation, vibration, molecular spectra, molecule partition function.11. Magnetic and electric properties of molecules.12. Electron spin and Pauli principle. Fine electron interaction of electrons and nuclei, ESR and NMR.13. Thermodynamics and molecular quantum mechanics. Equilibrium constants.14. Molecular dynamics.


Urban Štěpán prof. RNDr. CSc.