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Předmět Structure and Properties of Molecules (S403024)

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Top 10 materiálů tohoto předmětu

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Další informace


1. Molecular symmetry: principles of the group theory.2. Molecular symmetry: point groups.3. Molecular symmetry: matrix representation of a group, irreducible representations.4. Molecular symmetry: symmetry of orbitals.5. Introduction to spectroscopy: types of spectra, transition moment, Raman spectra.6. Rotational spectra: selection rules, calculations of molecular geometry, the Stark effect.7. Vibrational spectra of diatomic molecules: selection rules, vibrational-rotational interactions, anharmonical vibrations.8. The Lagrange equations.9. Vibrational spectra of general molecules: FG-analysis.10. Symmetry of normal vibrations.11. Electronic spectra: selection rules, Franck-Condon principle.12. Roentgen spectra, photoelectron spectroscopy.13. The Zeeman effect, ESR.14. NMR, the screening effect, chemical shift, spin-spin interaction.


Bureš Michal Ing. CSc.