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Předmět Database Systems (S445003)

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Další informace


1. Modern database systems, database management systems, basic database system concepts.2. Basic database operations. Joining of tables, projection, selection, set operations.3. SQL query language. Queries and commands.4. Simple queries. Sorting. Limit clause. Union operator. In-line functions.5. Row selection. Logical operators, regular expressions, predicates.6. Row grouping. Aggregate calculations. Selection after grouping.7. Subqueries.8. Joining of tables.9. SQL data definition language. Creating, modifying, removing and indexing of tables. Data types.10. SQL data manipulation language. Adding, updating and deleting of rows.11. Relational data model. Data integrity. Keys.12. Data normalisation. Fundamental and higher normal forms.13. Transactions and their properties. States of transactions. Recovery from failures.14. Sample queries for data processing. Pivot tables, lists, order, running and sliding averages.


[1] MySQL 5.1 Reference Manual. MySQL AB & Sun Microsystems, 2009.[2] Ponniah, P. Database Design and Development: An Essential Guide for IT Professionals. Wiley, Hoboken, New Jersey, 2003.[3] Wilton, P. and Colby, J. W. Beginning SQL. Wiley, Indianapolis, Indiana, 2005.


Vovsík Jaroslav Ing. Ph.D.