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Předmět Image Processing I (S445022)

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1. Introduction � basic terms. Connected areas. Image representation methods. 2. Basic colour models and their conversions. 3. Histogram and its use.4. Gamma correction.5. Colour palettes. 6. Dithering and halftoning. 7. Binary images use. Working with a mask.8. Alpha blending.9. Image as 2D discrete function. Sampling. 10.2D discrete convolution. 2D DFT. Image analysis.11.Filters and their use - noise reduction, edge detection. Sharpening. 12.Warping and morphing. Geometric image transformations.13.DCT and JPEG format14.Image compression, image file formats


o Rafael C. Gonzales: Digital Image Processing, 2nd ed., Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 2002o Bernard Jahne: Image Processing for scientific and Technical Applications, CRC Press, 2004


Soušková Hana Ing. Ph.D.