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Předmět Characterization of Particles and Particle Systems (S107025)

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1. Introduction (equivalent diameters) 2. Particle shape, particle surface and surface fractals 3. Particle packing, coordination numbers and mass fractals 4. Small particle statistics 5. Sedimentation methods 6. Laser diffraction I: Theory 7. Laser diffraction II: Practice 8. Other methods (electrozone sensing, dynamic light scattering) 9. Image analysis I: Free particles, quantitative shape determination 10. Image analysis II: Grains in polycrystalline materials, stereology 11. XRD grain size (Scherrer line broadening) 12. Adsorption methods (BET) 13. Aerosols 14. Suspensions and nanofluids


R - Allen T.: Particle Size Measurement (two volumes, fifth edition). Chapman & Hall, London 1997. (ISBN 0-412-75350-2). R - van de Hulst H. C.: Light Scattering by Small Particles. Dover, New York 1981. (ISBN 0-486-64228-3). R - Xu R.: Particle Characterization - Light Scattering Methods. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht 2000. (ISBN 1-4020-3-0357-9). R - Gregg S. J., Sing K. S. W.: Adsorption, Surface Area and Porosity (second edition). Academic Press, London 1982. (ISBN 0-12-300956-1). R - Russ J. C., Dehoff R. T.: Practical Stereology (second edition). Kluwer Academic, New York 2000. (ISBN 0-306-46476-4).


Pabst Willi doc. Dr. Dipl. Min.