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Předmět Hydrobiology and Microbiology in Water Technology (S217006)

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Top 10 materiálů tohoto předmětu

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1st Characterization of Hydrobiology, the topic, taxonomy. Characterization of Microbiology, about history, specification of micro-organisms, cell strategy. Characterization of bacteria, Actinomycetes, micromycetes, viruses, samples and their importance in water.2nd Water types and sorts. Hydrobiology of standing water - aspects and abiotic factors, biocenosis, biological productivity. 3rd Growth and reproduction of bacteria, cultivations. Metabolism - enzymes, energy, catabolic and anabolic processes, cell transport. Metabolism - element circulation, biogeochemical cycles, physiological groups of bacteria.4th Genetics of micro-organisms. Coordination of metabolic functions in cell, adaptation and selection.5th Extreme biotopes - acidification and eutrophication. 6th Hydrobiology of running water. 7th Water treatment biology - sources, pre-treatment, water treatment technology and management units. 8th Water treatment biology - evaluation of water, microscopic image, legislation. 9th Water treatment biology - hygienic assurance, legislation, diseases. Micro-organisms and organisms of importance in water quality, the fecal and no-fecal organisms.10th Biology of water usage. 11th Biology of waste water, saprobity. Micro-organisms in waste water.12th Waste water treatment biology - Stages of purification, waste water treatment plans - types. Pollution and its impact on micro-organisms. Micro-organisms in sewage sludge.13th Waste water treatment biology - effluents, self-purification, recipients. 14th Toxicity assays. The methods and procedures for cultivations of micro-organisms. Quality assurance and quality control, ISO norms and United standards..


Říhová Ambrožová Jana doc. RNDr. Ph.D.