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Předmět Electrotechnical materials, material systems and production processes (FEKT-DET1A)

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Aim of Part I. is to enlarge the knowledge about nature of anisotropic materials generally, with the concrete applications in the area of piezoelectricity.Aim of Part II. is to enlarge the knowledge about photovoltaic sources of electric power, possibility and ecological aspects of their usage.Aim of Part III. is preparing the students for the solution of technological, economic and ecologic problems connected with the choice, usage and testing of various materials in biomedical applications.Aim of Part IV. is preparing the students for the solution of technological problems in area Solder joint, solder joint formation, Requirements for solder joint, Reliability of solder joint - material and process factors.


Module I-M-1: Nature of anisotropic material. Principles of tensors calculus, mechanical properties of anisotropic materials, dielectrically properties of anisotropic materials, coordinate conversion Module I-M-2: Linear theory of piezoelectricity. Thermodynamic potentials, linear piezoelectric state equations, basic piezoelectric materialsModule I-S-1: Piezoelectric resonators. Excitation mechanics vibration, mechanics vibration of resonators, substitution diagram of piezoelectric resonator, determination of cut orientation, temperature dependence of resonance frequencyModule I-S-2: Measurement of the attribute of resonators. SiO2 based resonators, ceramic based resonator, piezoelectric filters, piezoelectric convertersModule I-P-1: Production of piezoelectric resonators. Monocrystals cuts, electrode systems, encasement, other piezoelectric systems productionModule II-M-1: Materials used in photovoltaic. The Physics of the Solar Cell, Photovoltaic sources, Principle of function, characteristicsModule II-M-2: Third Generation Photovoltaics. Tandem solar cells, Thin-Film Solar Cells, CdTe, CuSe, InGa solar cells, Dye-sensitized Solar CellsModule II-S-1: Photovoltaic systems. Basic types of photovoltaics systems and application, Photovoltaic Concentrators, Solar modules, construction and technology.Module II-P-1: Manufacturing of Crystalline Silicon Solar Cells. Monocrystalline and Polykrystaline Silicon Solar Cells, etching, diffusion process, screen printing, sputteringModule II-P-2: Manufacturing of Thin-Film Solar Cells. Structure of microcrystalline and amorphous silicon, CdTe, CuSe, InGa Solar Cells and manufacturingModule II-P-3: Manufacturing of Solar Panels Strukture of photovoltaic panels, used materials, contacts, DCAC system in photovoltaic.Module III-S-1: Corrosion and compatibility of materials in living orgamisms. Corrosion diagrams, composition of liquids in tissues. Electrode potentials. The action of metal ions onto living tissues. Module III-S-2: Electrodes as sensors for tissues composition. Estimation of pH. Ion selective eledctrodes. Electrochemical sensors in vitro and in vivo. Module III-S-3: Chemical power sources for laboratory instumentation and for implanted devices. Accumulators, their maintenance and properties. Primary cells, requierements on cells for implantation. Lithium batteries, batteries with external charging. Gel elecctrolytes – properties, advantages and disadvantages.Module III-M-1: Materials for biological environment. Materials for implanted devices. Ceramic and metalic materials. Hydrogels in biomedicine. Definition of hydrogels, their comparison to other materials for biomedicinal applications. Swelling, examples of application, implanted lenses for ophtalmic surgery. Module III-M-2: Polymers as means for transport of drugs. Polymeric systems for transport and controlled release of biologically active molecules. Soluble substrates for drugs, targeted delivery of drugs.


ADAMSON, A., W., GAST, A., P.: Physical Chemistry of Surfaces. A Willey Interscience Publication, 1997, ISBN 0 –471-14873-3 (EN)HELSEN, J. A., BREME, H. J.: Metals as biomaterials. J. Wiley, New York, 1998 (EN)HUMPSTON, G., JACOBSON, D., M.: Principles of Soldering, ASM International, 2004, ISBN 0-87170-792-6 (EN)HWANG, J., S.: Environment-Friendly Electronics: Lead Free Technology, Electrochemical Publications Limited, 2001, ISBN 0 901150 401 (EN)PISTOIA, G.: Lithium Batteries, New Materials, Developments and Perspectives, Elsevier, Netherlnds, 1994 (EN)SILVER, F. H.: Biomaterials, medical device and tissue engineering, Chapmann & Hall , London. 1992 (EN)SZE, S., M., KWOK, K.: Physics of Semiconductor Devices. Wiley - Interscience, A John Wiley & sons, Inc. Publication, ISBN-13: 978-0-471-14323-9 (EN)ZELENKA, J.: Piezoelektrické rezonátory a jejich použití. ACADEMIA Praha 1993 (CS)


The subject knowledge on the Magister´s degree level is requested.


prof. Ing. Jiří Kazelle, CSc.


prof. Ing. Jiří Kazelle, CSc.