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Předmět Selected diagnostic methods, reliability and quality (FEKT-DET2A)

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The aim of the course is to acquaint students with selected methods for evaluation of properties, parameters and structure of some electrotechnic materials and material systems and with dependability, quality, and quality process management.


Investigations of electrochemical power sources and related systemsElectrochemical systems: the usage of electrochemical processes in ionic conductors and on their boundaries with electronic conductors.The principles of ionic conductivity. Ionic conductors, movement of ions in solutions. Liquid and solid electrolytes.Measurements of conductivity of an electrolyte. Elimination of parasitic components. The influence of temperature. The electrode processes at the boundary of electrode with electrolyte. Separation of ionic and electronic charges. Principle of electrode reactions.Butler – Volmer reaction. Electrocatalysis. Fuel cells.Investigations in frequency domain. Impedance, admittance, imittance. Steady state of a.c. Immitance as transfer function. Fourier integral transform. Relation of both domains.Polarized (blocking) electrode. Space scharge on the boundaries. Electrochemical supercapacitors. Their measurement.Conductometers. Measurement of conductivities by general – purpose instruments. Potentiostats: principle of negative feedback. Stability of feedback systems. Criterion of stability.Electrical measurements methods of semiconductor materials and structuresFour point probe methods, spreading resistance, sheet resistance. Electron and hole mobility and life time measurement methods. Capacitance –voltage measurement of junctions and MIS structures. B-T test.Methods of scanning electron microscopyElectron beams, electron optics. Resolution, depth of focus. Interaction of electrons with solid. Electron range, information volume. Signals, signal detection. Cathodoluminescence, voltage contrast, EBIC. Environmental scanning electron microscopy.Special diagnostic methodsMethods of X-ray diffractography. X-ray diffraction topography. Electron diffraction. Neutron diffraction. Spectrometry diagnostic methods. UV absorption spectrometry, emission spectrometry, X-ray spectrometry. MR spectrometry, mass spectrometry.Electron spectroscopiesBasic terms and principles, types of electron spectroscopy methods. Scattering of electrons inside a solid, emission of electrons. The Auger phonomenon and its utilisation in the spectral analysis. Instrumentation for electron spectroscopies. Photoelectron spectroscopies. Microscopy with very slow electrons. Spectroscopy of electron energy losses, spectroscopy of backscattered electrons, non-traditional spectroscopical methods.Dependability and qualityDependability, quality, quality process management. Dependability and quality relation. Availability and influence several components on numeric value of availability ratio. Methods and analysis procedure of dependability. Proposal and quality process management.Risk management. Risk, fundamentals terms. Categories of risk, risk numeric value. Methods and risk assessment procedure. Method of risk management, risk optimization.


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Knowlwedge on level of finished master study program at technical type university.


doc. Ing. Josef Jirák, CSc.


doc. Ing. Josef Jirák, CSc.