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Předmět Ecology in Manufacturing (FEKT-NEKV)

Na serveru studentino.cz naleznete nejrůznější studijní materiály: zápisky z přednášek nebo cvičení, vzorové testy, seminární práce, domácí úkoly a další z předmětu FEKT-NEKV - Ecology in Manufacturing, Fakulta elektrotechniky a komunikačních technologií, Vysoké učení technické v Brně (VUT).

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Další informace


The aim of the course is to apply the ecological knowledge and procedures at production, operation and recycling of electrotechnical products. Within the frame of the knowledge of cleaner production it concerns minimizing the negative influence of production on environment. During recycling of products it concerns ensuring the minimum influence of technology on environment and effort to ensure the maximum share of recycled components at their secondary use.


1. Ecology of production, negative impact of production on environment. 2. Global warming, greenhouse effect principle, the influence of human civilization.3. Cleaner production and forms of its application at production processes. 4. Ecologically friendly technologies of electrotechnical products operation. 5. Recycling products of electrotechnical production. 6. Treatment of waste water at surface treatment of metals. 7. Treatment of used transformer and condenser kinds of oil. 8. Toxic materials at production and recycling of electrotechnical products. 9. Waste materials at production and recycling of plastic 10. Waste at production of fluorescent lamps, discharge lamps and cathode-ray tubes and their recycling. 11. Ecological processes at production of electrochemical sources. 12. Environmentally friendly technologies at operation of electrochemical sources. 13. Environmentally friendly technologies of recycling electrochemical sources.


US Environmet Protection Agency:Profile of the Electronic and Computer Industry,EPA/310-R-95-002, 1995 (EN)CBI Rotterdam:Environmental Quick Scan Electronic Components,The Netherlands 1997 (EN)


Students who take the course registration should be able to explain the basic principles of electrical processes in the production of insulators, semiconductors and metals, discuss the basic concepts of ecology, global warming and the impact of human population on the environment. General knowledge is required at the bachelor's, or secondary studies.


doc. Ing. Petr Bača, Ph.D.


doc. Ing. Petr Bača, Ph.D.