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Předmět Technological projecting and logistic (FEKT-NTPL)

Na serveru studentino.cz naleznete nejrůznější studijní materiály: zápisky z přednášek nebo cvičení, vzorové testy, seminární práce, domácí úkoly a další z předmětu FEKT-NTPL - Technological projecting and logistic, Fakulta elektrotechniky a komunikačních technologií, Vysoké učení technické v Brně (VUT).

Top 10 materiálů tohoto předmětu

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The aim of the course is to enlarge the knowledge necessary for projecting electrotechnical production, the knowledge of logistics and fundamentals of project proceedings including the study of feasibility.


Technological design, structure and organization of the production company,production costs, the use of queuing theory in technological design.Introduction, teamwork, project management, S - curve.Basis for project management, basic stages of the life cycle of the project, the principles of project preparation, evaluation and validation of the project (FS) The integration of project management into the organizational structure of the methods used in project management.Entering seminar, work Logframe. Queuing theory (the theory of queues).The procedure for processing technology project, preliminary (pre-capacitive) calculationsnumber of workers and business areas of the buildings, the final capacity calculations.Preliminary calculations, the final capacity calculations.Equipment design, cost of operation, production layoutproduction lineMachine coupling. Assessment of costs.Product lead time and production lead time calculation of normative benefits for part • gradual method of transmission products • parallel method of transmission products • Logistics production line and its objectivesKaizen, Design warehouse.Supply logistics, production logistics, distribution logistics, controlling, logistics, warehousing and storage.Designing assembly, ALB method.Design by plants - production and maintenance of tools and products - Interaction design maintenance of technological equipment Designing work environmentDraft stock.Design of assemblyDeployment of technological equipment andFeasibility Study (FS Feasibility Study)The essence of project planning project planning material content of the planning process, procedure planning system of project objectives, project activities structured decomposition Decomposition of the organizational structure of the project responsibility matrix Time Implementation Plans Project Planning Cost Planning Documentation risk planning processMS ProjectEnvinronmentální aspects of technological designer ISO 14000, EMAS


Sule, D., R.:Manufacturing Facilities, PWS Boston (EN)Cedarleaf, J.:Plant Layout and Flow Improvement,Bluecreek, P.C. Washington (EN)


The subject knowledge on the Bachelor´s degree level is requested.


doc. Ing. Jiří Vaněk, Ph.D.


doc. Ing. Jiří Vaněk, Ph.D.