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Předmět Strategic Management (FP-RsmA)

Na serveru studentino.cz naleznete nejrůznější studijní materiály: zápisky z přednášek nebo cvičení, vzorové testy, seminární práce, domácí úkoly a další z předmětu FP-RsmA - Strategic Management, Fakulta podnikatelská, Vysoké učení technické v Brně (VUT).

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• To introduce to many generally used concepts and ideas of strategic management process and principals of strategic thinking • To train the students’ ability to use analytical tools for strategic analysis of external and internal factors.• To equip the student with a detailed knowledge of method of formulation of strategy based on hierarchical strategy structure - corporate, business, functional and horizontal strategy. • To develop management skills methods of selection, realization and evaluation of strategy.


Není specifikováno.


HITT, M.A. - IRELAND, R.D. - HOSKISSON, R.E. Strategic Management - Competitiveness and Globalization: Concepts. 6th ed. South-Western College Pub, 2004. 544 p. ISBN 0324275307COLLIS, D.J. - MONTGOMERY, C.A. Corporate strategy - Resources and the Scope of the Firm. 1st ed. McGraw-Hill, 1997. 764 p. ISBN 0-256-17894-1GRANT, R.M. Contemporary strategic analysis. 6th ed. Blackwell Publishing, 2008. 482 p. ISBN 978-1-4051-6309-5KOTLER, P. Marketing Management. 10. vyd. Praha: Grada Publishing, 2001. 720 s. ISBN 80-247-0016-6PORTER, MICHAEL E. Competitive Advantage. First Free Press Export Edition: Free Press 2004. 557 s. ISBN: 0-7432-6087-2


Students are expected to have basic knowledge of methods used in planning, organizing, stimulation and control. They have to understand basic function of company. Knowledge of basic marketing methods is required.


doc. Ing. Robert Zich, Ph.D.


doc. Ing. Robert Zich, Ph.D.