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1. týdenIntroduction, Revision2. týdenUnis 1,2 - Pleased to meet you!, What do you do? - Meeting people for the first time, Finding out about work routines, Adverbs and word order (grammar revision + corresponding exercises from English Grammar in Use)3. týdenUnits 3, 4 - Around the world, Could you please? - Finding out about work routines, Offering to help, Making requests, Asking permission,4. týdenUnits 5, 6 - I´m sorry, could you say that again?, Hello, how may I help you? - Dealing with communication difficulties, Answering the phone, Making a good impression on the phone, Articles and Quantifiers (grammar revision + corresponding exercises from English Grammar in Use)5. týdenUnits 7, 8 - Hold on, I just need to make a note, Is everything clear? - Understanding numbers and details, Making notes, Checking your notes6. týdenUnits 9, 10 - I´m calling because, I´m terribly sorry - Preparing to make a phone call, Making different kinds of calls, Comparing and contrasting (grammar revision + corresponding exercises from English Grammar in Use)7. týdenRevision8. týdenUnits 11, 12 - Layout and content., You´ve got mail - Good layout and style in letters and faxes, Sending and receiving e-mail messages, The future (grammar revision + corresponding exercises from English Grammar in Use)9. týdenUnits 13, 14 - Get it right!, Keep it simple and make it clear. - Checking your spelling, Correcting your punctuation, Writing simple sentences, Writing short reports on meetings and phone calls, If sentences (grammar revision + corresponding exercises from English Grammar in Use)10. týdenUnits 15, 16 - In reply to your, I am sorry to inform you that - Replying to letters, faxes and e-mails, Sorting out problems, - ing and to (grammar revision + corresponding exercises from English Grammar in Use)11. týdenUnits 17, 18 - Can I ask some questions?, I´d like some more details - Asking questions and giving answers, Speaking politely, Asking about details, specifications, numbers and prices, Joining sentence + relative clauses (grammar revision + corresponding exercises from English Grammar in Use)12. týdenUnits 19, 20 - Could you tell me more?, When can we meet? - Asking follow-up questions and giving answers, Answering difficult questions, Arranging appointments and meetings13. týdenzápočtový týden

Získané způsobilosti

Student - volí vhodnou formu a způsob obchodní korespondence, sestavuje správně obchodní dopisy- přivítá obchodní partnery v osobním styku, vede jednání s obchodními partnery- používá telefonní spojení v pracovním prostředí


Jones, Leo. Working in English : student´s book. 1st pub. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2001. ISBN 0-521-77684-8.Kovanda, Edwin. Business reader : čítanka ekonomických textů pro pokročilé. 1. vyd. Plzeň : Fraus, 1998. ISBN 80-85784-98-X.Hewings, Martin. Advanced grammar in use : a self-study reference and practice book for advanced learners of English : with answers. 1st pub. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1999. ISBN 0-521-49868-6.Murphy, Raymond. English grammar in use : with answers : a self-study reference and practice book for intermediate students of English. 3rd ed. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2004. ISBN 0-521-53289-2.


Plnění úkolů. Zápočtový test.


Ing. Radana Šašková