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- kvazi-experiment- proti-faktový model (counterfactual)- randomizovaný experiment- analýza věku, kohorty a období- korekce samovýběru

Získané způsobilosti

Studenti jsou schopni:- identifikovat studované kauzální vztahy v nejvýznamnějších soudobých a klasických sociologických textech- analyzovat použitou metodologii pro studium těchto kauzálních vztahů- shrnout silná a slabá místa studované metodologie - navrhnout zlepšení studované metodologie - zhodnotit dopady a reálnou proveditelnost navrhovaných zlepšení- srovnat silné a slabé stránky různých metodologických řešení studia týchž kauzálních vztahů


Mason, William M. a Herbert L. Smith. "Age-period-cohort analysis and the study of deaths from pulmonary tuberculosis. " New York: Springer-Verlag, 1985. Harding, David. "Counterfactual models of neighborhood effects: the effect of neighborhood poverty on dropping out and teenage pregnancy. " American Journal of Sociology 109: 676-719., 2003. Willis, Robert J. a Sherwin Rosen. "Education and Self-Selection. " Journal of Political Economy 87 (Supplement): S7-S36, 1979. Loring, Marti a Brian Powell. "Gender, race, and DSM-III: a study of the objectivity of psychiatric diagnostic behavior. " Journal of Health and Social Behavior 29: 1-22, 1988. Almond, Douglas. "Is the 1918 influenza pandemic over? Long-term effects of in utero influenza exposure in the post-1940 U.S. population. " Journal of Political Economy 114, 2006. Berelson, Bernard. "Romania s 1966 anti-abortion decree: the demographic experience of the first decade. " Population Studies 33: 209-22, 1979. Campbell, Donald T. a H. Laurence Ross. "The Connecticut crackdown on speeding: time-series data in quasi-experimental analysis. " Law and Society Review 3: 33-53, 1968. Lynch, Scott M. "Cohort and Life-Course Patterns in the Relationship Between Education and Health: A Hierarchical Approach. " Demography 40: 309-332, 2003. Shadish, William R.; Cook, Thomas D.; Campbell, Donald Thomas. Experimental and quasi-experimental designs for generalized causal inference. Boston : Houghton Mifflin Company, 2002. ISBN 0-395-61556-9.Sieben, Inge, Johannes Huinink a Paul M. de Graaf. "Family Background and Sibling Resemblance in Educational Attainment: Trends in the Former FRG, the Former GDR, and the Netherlands. " European Sociological Review 17: 401-430, 2001. Manski, Charles F. "Learning about social programs from experiments with random assignment of treatments. " Journal of Human Resources 31: 709-33, 1996. Gerber, Theodore P. "Membership Benefits or Selection Effects? Why Former Communist Party Members Do Better in Post-soviet Russia. " Social Science Research 29: 25-50, 2000. Gamoran, Adam a Robert D. Mare. "Secondary School Tracking and Educational Inequality: Compensation, Reinforcement, or Neutrality?. " American Journal of Sociology 94: 1146-1183, 1989.


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PhDr. Mgr. František Kalvas, Ph.D.