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16. Dystopian literature (George Orwell, Animal Farm and other works)

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- Winston likes to drink “oily” Victory Gin and to write into black book with a red back and a marbled cover

- not good life for a person, but his life is better when he begins an affair with young, vital and beautiful Julia

- she’s 10 to 15 years younger, Winston is incredulous (nevěřící), but she replies with “I couldn’t care less”

- they meet secretly for months

- they confess their affair and anti-party beliefs to O’Brien – member of Inner Party who seems to be sympathetic

- they begin reading a book that is allegedly written by underground resistance leader, EMMANUEL GOLDSTEIN

- they know they’ll be discovered, tortured and executed

- small victories – human connection, personal freedom – “OWNLIFE” in Newspeak (individualism)

- INGSOC = English socialism, ideology that dominates Oceania

- NEWSPEAK = the new language that the government is developing

- Winston’s “animal instinct – desire to have sex with Julia” was a political act, a blow struck against the party

- government suppresses individualism by limiting language – NEWSPEAK

- it becomes nearly impossible to express your thoughts, to express yourself

(- A vocabulary – words from daily functions – eating, sleeping, B vocabulary - words that blend a noun and verb – goodthink, crimethink, C vocabulary – scientific words accessible to workers in particular field )

- appendix – it explains that Winston’s version of Newspeak was provisional one (prozatímní), language will became oppressive, BUT is written in standard English – this suggests that free thought and its expression will ultimately prevail (převáží) and that language will some day be rich and free again

- we think in language, express ourselves

- in the end, his consciousness cant survive being threatened with having his head put in a cage with hungry rats – he breaks down and wishes that Julia receive this punishment – by betraying Julia, he loses his ability to love


Other works:

A Hanging – set in Burma, condemned (odsouzený) man is given no name and it’s not explained what crime he has committed

- the man is to be hanged; the dog does not understand that people want to hang him → a symbol of the fact that we are all equal - the dog took them all as people

Down and Out in Paris and London – a memoir, it exposes the poverty in Paris and London

- life among classes – documentary, autobiographic – how much costs the rent, quality of life

= what life is for poor, revealing it for upper classes

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