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5. Ireland

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- plantation – protest minority implanted in Ireland, Belfast, groups of people – sectarianism

- hard plantation – taking away, killed, replaced by protestant

- soft – English kings buy land

- 1642-1651 Civil war – innocent protestant, Cromwell set peace, directly kill residents of New Castle, late 1640s, half population of Ireland die indirectly, first genocide by English, replacement of English monarchy with republic under the rule of Oliver Cromwell

- Irish are difficult to control

- England – protestant, Ireland – catholic

- religion dividing the island in groups

- hatred between groups – sectarianism = discrimination

- English civil war – catholic rise up, Cromwell – control of English state, Civil war 1640s

- burn the harvest

- getting rid of man in Ireland – taking to America, forced to indentured servitude (contract, men and women agreed to work certain amount of hours, then they are free)

- accelerate in times of James I. – king of Scotland, Scottish people emigrating

- 1688 Glorious revolution – anti catholic revolution

- James I. and William of Orange – decisive protestant victory (rozhodující)

- various anticatholic laws – pretty extreme in Ireland, u can be catholic but not openly, you are not allowed to by any part of the state, own land

- if u do own land, you are protestant

- west of the country – tenant farmers, small land, poor quality, not manage well (nájemní)

- potato – catholic who try to rebel are persecuted

- Irish diaspore – 20 milion

- 1844-1850 Irish potato famine – cruel, 1 mil. death, 1 mil. emigrants, Potato Blight – disease, Irish were relied on potatoes

- Gaelic starts to run out, it is banned in school

- explosion in Irish culture/literature

- Mythology – Irish identity, Celtic identity, Irish people were afraid of losing their culture so they sought the old stories and mythology

- socialist and nationalist 1916 – nationalist take part of Dublin

- 1919-1921 Irish war of independence – compromise – effectively partition of Ireland, North – slight protestant majority, led to Northern Ireland and Republic of Ireland

- Ireland refused to fight in WW II. – uprising of the Catholic – partition

- Easter uprising – origin of IRA, they wanted to gain independence from United Kingdom - 1916

- Belfast – shipyards, industrial area, greater control of North Atlantic – why politically and strategically is NI good for English

- IRAcatholic nationalist, belief that all of Ireland should be an independent republic free from British rule

- one group wanted fights to continue, other group wanted compromise, problem with democracy, British will always vote to be British, protestant majority in NI

- Sinn Féin – left wing Irish republican political party, nacionalists

- Gerrymandering = a practice intended to establish an unfair political advantage for a particular party

-1 NP (political repressent.) for each area, Derry (London Derry) – city in NI, catholic majority, but catholic don’t have any NPs, no political representation, discrimination in terms of housing, better jobs are given to protestant, catholic Irish are poorer, protestant Irish then

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