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5. Ireland

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- 50s and 60s discrimination continuous, occasional violence, loyalists – UDA UFF – protestant unionist, attack catholic

- Catholic civil right movement – support from peaceful protestants, police almost all protestant, into national movement

- largely peaceful, 1968 – 1969 outbreaks of violence, Battle of the Bogside, mass rioting, uprising

- Bogside are blocked off, gun battles, police loose control of the city

- NI government to British government to help,

- 1969-1970 British government insisted Internment trial – interrogation techniques, they go after catholic

- 1972 Bloody Sunday (= Bogside Massacre) – mass shooting in the Bogside area of Derry, between British army and IRA

- new IRA – heavily funded by USA, January 1972 demonstration in Derry, stones ae thrown, British army control this, they allegedly heard gun shots, shot in the back, murder of 40 civilians

- serious funding, organization, from being one of the groups to being the group

- next 30 years, by British it is not known as the war, call it The Troubles1969 to 1998 (Good Friday Agreement – EU membership, IRA agreed to stop using weapons, everybody can decide

- 3500 people died during this period, brutal

- bombings – early 1970s, police arresting wrong people

- blanket protests in a jail = dirty process, IRA protesting conditions

- 1980s hunger strike

- knee capping – blow your kneecap through

Irish culture and literature

- very catholic country, poor in 20th and 19th century

- Catholicism part of culture

- catholic church run children’s home

- scandals – child abuse, higher because they were more involved in care

- single mothers – considered undesirable – fallen women – put into institutions – special homes, they work for free – State Magdalena asylums

- bodies of 120 women (digging into foundations)

- 2nd investigation – they should pay compensation to the women

- last year referendum on abortion – legalized

- nonreligious schools – more now

- majority are run by catholic church

- gay marriage – referendum passed

- from 1980s Celtic tiger – economic boost

- stoat – special beer – dark black beers

- why is Irish culture global – because of diaspora – Irish around the world

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