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Gynaecology - Diseases and dysfunctions of the female reproductive system

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Much of the current research is focusing on early detection. Treatment options are constantly expanding, thanks to a better understanding of how best to combine surgery, drugs, chemotherapy and radiation.


Even if a man and a woman eat the same thing, it may take the woman much longer to digest it. That leaves woman three times as vulnerable to chronic constipation as men and twice as likely to develop intestinal disorders.


Contrary to anecdotal stories, numerous studies have documented that women experience pain more acutely and more frequently than men, indicating that the sexes may detect and dampen pain differently.


Women, more so than men, experience a significant change in their bones in later life. In postmenopausal women, the skeleton becomes less dense, full of perforations caused by osteoporosis. The reason for the difference is the reduced production of oestrogen after menopause. The hormone slows down bone loss and actually builds up bone as well. Women past menopause who take replacement therapy can prevent as much as 75% of their bone degradation and cut their risk of a hip fracture by 50%.


allele alela

amniocentesis amniocentéza, napíchnutí plodové vody

antenatal clinic poradna pro těhotné

autosome autozóm, běžný párový chromozóm

breech-buttocks delivery porod koncem pánevním

cervix, pl. cervices krček, hrdlo (zejména děložní)

conception koncepce, početí, oplodnění

contraception antikoncepce

expulsion vypuzení plodu

Fallopian tubes vejcovody

f(o)etus, pl. f(o)etuses plod

gestation gestace, těhotenství

gonad gonáda, pohlavní žláza

hymen hymen, panenská blána

labium, pl. labia pysk (gyn.)

labour porod, porodní bolest, stahy, zač.porodu

ligation podvázání

maternity and child welfare services péče o matku a dítě

miscarriage spontánní potrat

nucleus jádro

ovulum, pl. ovula vajíčko

ovum, pl. ova vejce

parturition porod

pituitary gland hypofýza, podvěsek mozkový

placenta placenta

semen, pl. semens, semina semeno

smear výtěr

termination of pregnancy přerušení těhotenství

trait charakteristický rys, stránka, vlastnost

uterus, pl. uteri děloha

vagina vagina, pochva

vulva, pl. vulvae vulva, zevní ženské pohlavní ústrojí

gynaecology gynekologie

obstetrics porodnictví

gynaecologist gynekolog

obstetrician porodník

midwife porodní asistentka

intercourse pohlavní styk

conception otěhotnění

breast-self examination samovyšetření prsů

foetus plod

gestation těhotenství

pregnancy těhotenství

parturition porod

labour porod

childbirth porod

uterus děloha

vagina vagina

menstruation menses

menopause menopauza

climacterium klimakterium

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